Chapter Seven

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"Dad," Pollen whispered. "You're... here." Was this her fault? I never should've come here. 

Wasp's voice laughed. "The HiveWing traitor who married a SilkWing," she said gleefully. 

Zamia growled. "Let go of me. Let GO of me!" Termite smiled-- No, Wasp smiled, and plunged Termite's tail into the LeafWing. She let out a gasp and froze. Wait-- Where was Larva? Pollen's mother hadn't been present when the HiveWing had dragged Mosquito in. The HiveWings advanced toward her. Oh, why couldn't she have silk or nerve toxin? 

"Try me," she growled. 

"Oh, I will," Queen Wasp taunted. 

Pollen hesitated. "Where is my mother?"

Wasp laughed. "Your idiot SilkWing of a mother tried to fight me," Wasp said gleefully. "She is awaiting her own special...punishment."

The HiveWings grabbed her. Regretting not doing this earlier, she screamed. "Help! HiveWings! Anyone? Please!" 

"I will make sure your death is a painful one, little hybrid." 

She struggled against the tail about to plunge into her. Ginkgo, Zamia, and Mosquito's bodies lay on the forest floor, almost lifeless.

Just before the stinger hit her, the HiveWings collapsed. Twick, twick. They lay on the ground with little darts sticking out of their necks. An old LeafWing stood behind them, glaring. She had dark green scales dotted with dull gold. "You are fortunate I showed up when I did," she said sternly. "I am Elder Cypress. What is your name?" 

"Um, Pollen. Thank you so much. And, um, how many Elders are there?" Pollen said. Oh. Wow. That's my first question?

Cypress rolled her eyes. "Stop with the 'um'. And there's me, Elder Wisteria, Elder Heliamphora, and High Elder Khaya."

"Oh. Will they be okay?" Pollen said, gesturing to her father and the siblings.

"Zamia and the HiveWing will be fine. Ginkgo I am worried about." Elder Cypress gave a distasteful look to the HiveWings. "We should just drown the HiveWings in the lake." 

Pollen looked aghast. "Kill them? But-but- it's not their fault! Queen Wasp was controlling them! And the paralyzed one is my father!" 

"We can leave him be, as long as Wasp can't get inside him," the Elder said, wrinkling her nose. 

"No. I mean, no, Wasp can't get inside of him. Mosquito." 

"Okay. I'll tell Khaya to drown them. And to get that mixed-up dragon back in contamination." Cypress sneered.

"I think it's wrong what you're doing to him. And Lemongrass is his name." Pollen shot back.

"Lemongrass? Mm. And what's wrong with it?" 

"He hates it! He's surrounded by smelling trees! He's locked up for the love of Clearsight!" 


"My name is Pollen!"

"Fine. Pollen, he's dangerous." Cypress snarled. 

"Who's dangerous?" Said a familiar voice.

Pollen breathed a sigh of relief. "Pyra! How's Antennae?"

"Good. Who's dangerous?" Pyracantha asked again.

"Lemongrass is," Elder Cypress sneered. 

"No, he's not. He just saved us." She saw Zamia. "Oh, my three moons." 

"It's a long story," Pollen said before the Elder could speak up.

"He saved you?!" She spat. "Liars." 

"Not lies. Ask your dear Xate, if that will convince you." Pyracantha said firmly. "He saw it all."

"Who's Xate?" Pollen asked. 

"Xate is my husband," Cypress growled. "He saw no such thing!"

Pyracantha growled back. "Well, Elder Cypress, are you going to help these poor dragons? And maybe instead of Lemongrass, these HiveWings can be locked up."

"Wait! Pyra, my mother..." Pollen trailed off. "Wasp has her. And the LeafWings aren't safe."

Pyracantha's face fell. "Oh."

Pollen kept thinking about how she was supposed to save her mother. Had it only been this morning that She had left her cave? So much had happened.

A kind medic by the name of Arrowhead offered to tend to Mosquito. "I'm so sorry about Elder Cypress," he whispered to her.

"Thanks," she replied and felt herself blushing. "Are you going to help Antennae?" 

Arrowhead laughed. "Three moons, no. I'm not quite old enough for that. I just help with care. Comfort, food..." 

That night, she slept in Zamia's bed, which had quite the disturbing plant creations of dying HiveWings. Ouch. 

An idea struck her. A plan to break into Wasp Hive. Carefully, as not to disturb the twigs, she snuck out and gathered food, water, and weaponry in a sack she found, stitched with the name Ginkgo.

"Pollen?" She froze.


"What are you doing?"

"I'm leaving to find my mother."

"And once you're there?"

Pollen took a deep breath. "I will slay Queen Wasp."

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