Chapter Sixteen

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The SandWing palace was large. To say the least. Grand pillars rose to enormous heights, and voices echoed along the long halls. 

Pollen shifted nervously, while Zamia held her head high and growled at anyone who gawked at her. Pollen folded her wings. 

One SandWing stopped the guards in their tracks. "Princess Oasis." The guard tipped his head. 

Oasis stared at the Pantalans. "What," she said, gesturing to Zamia and Pollen, "Are these?"

"These are dragons. Or is your puny Pyrrhian brain too small for that?" Zamia shot back.

Princess Oasis cocked her head. "Pyrrhian?"

Pollen shot Zamia a withering glare. "Zamia!"

Oasis folded her wings. "It's fine," she said cooly. "I like this one."

Zamia snorted. "Tell that to me when you have bullet ants crawling up your spine."

"Bullet ants?"

Celandine growled. "None of your business." Her scales turned the color of fire. 

Oasis smiled. "I like this one's scales. They're pretty."

"If you have dragonets and they inherit your brain the world is in trouble," Garnet muttered, putting a wing protectively around Celandine. 

Oasis growled. "General Auburn, leave us." 

The guard hesitated. "But if they attack..."

"What? The SkyWing has fire; so do I. The RainWing can hide. No defense. The hybrids..." she smirked. "Can't do anything."

I do have silk, Pollen thought indignantly. I mean, it's weak... but Zamia has leafspeak! She spotted a potted plant. Perfect!

"I have a poisonous tail," Oasis continued. "I'll be fine."

The guards left the princess with the prisoners, not bound with anything but rope around their wings and loosely around their talons. 

Oasis circled them. "So, hybrids... what gave you the extra wings?"

"My father, and my mother," Pollen growled. 

Oasis snorted. "Right. And the leaf wings?"

"I'm not a hybrid," Zamia laughed. Ha-- LeafWings. Pollen thought.

"And I'm an IceWing." Oasis pointed her tail at Zamia. "Who are you?"

"Now!" Pollen cried. She lashed out with her silk, ripping the bonds off of Garnet, who carefully burned away everyone else's. Oasis recovered from her shock and sprang at Pollen. Just before the tail could touch her, Oasis screamed in pain and collapsed to the ground, venom from Celandine eating up her wing. Celandine's eyes widened in horror. 

"Celandine! Mango's venom!" Garnet cried. Celandine quickly pulled out a vile from the pouch around her neck, full of black venom. She rushed to the trashing princess and smeared the venom on her wounds. Pollen gaped. What were they-- the venom stopped. A nasty hole sat in the middle of the wing. 

"How-- what...?" Pollen asked. 

"Mango is my sister. Her venom counters mine. No time to explain!" Celandine called. "Fly! Fly away!"

Garnet leaped after her, followed by Zamia and Pollen just as the guards cried, "Oasis! I'm coming!"



The clearing erupted into screams. The pink dragonet stalked toward Arrowhead. Lemongrass's expression flickered. Not now! Arrowhead remembered the plant that had cured his memory. It probably didn't grow on the island. The pink dragonet pounced. Arrowhead dodged, not daring to hurt the SilkWing-LeafWing, whose wings hadn't even grown in. 

The dragonet turned onto a fearful purple SilkWing. "Brimstone?" the purple dragon whispered. 

"Stop!" Queen Azure called. The dragonet bared its teeth and launched at the queen, tearing at her wings in familiar moves. Like the gray dragon did to Amazonite. Lemongrass was staring at the shrieking queen in horror. A SkyWing tore the dragonet of Azure. 

"Brimstone! Fight it!" He yelled at the white eyes. 

"We need to cure it, now more than ever." Arrowhead was surprised to hear his own voice speaking. "I need a SilkWing." 

The purple SilkWing stepped forward. "My name is Lilac. Brimstone is my dragonet." She indicated to the flailing dragonet. "What do we do?"

"You need to make a strong cocoon around her. How old is she?" Arrowhead asked.

"Five. Her Metamorphosis will be soon. We were scared her LeafWing genes would affect her, but Baneberry is part SilkWing. Why?"

"Her Metamorphosis will happen, and she won't have food. The one controlling her, hopefully not Wasp, will have to leave her."

Lilac's eyes brightened. "And we'll get her back!"

Brimstone fixed her white eyes on the two. "I can hear you."


"You're making a mistake. If you try to hurt me, I will curse you. All of you, and you will wish you never hatched."

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