Chapter 9

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These past few days I did not feel bad and did not cry, which is amazing!. But today, I am feeling a little bit low, because of non specific reason. Well, actually in my deeper heart I know what's missing. My life needs a sight of adventure. Every single day I do the same thing, I hate feeling bored. I should have been grateful for being good for months and did not want to cut myself or cry. I know that I mostly complain about being in my country, and not going back to China, but this time is different. I am complaining about staying in a country where security is an invisible word and human rights have no value. I just want the right to live, to have the opportunity to build my life, and not feel afraid of walking on the streets at night.

Somehow I don't feel proud to be Cape Verdean, but I feel proud to be african. Don't blame me! I have so many reasons for feeling uncertain about what will become of me, cuz my country is not providing opportunities for it. And I thought I was sure bout what is  it coming, but things changed in a blink of an eye, things that I managed to control but did not succeed. Despite understanding that I can't control how and when things change, I still blame myself for what happened and is still happening during these 2 years. I was born here, but if I had to choose, trust me, I would not chose to be born here. My country has no protection for its people. We are native, but with a soul of strangers. It's sad! I used to be happy and protected when I was living in China. Now, I am stuck in this place that I should be proud of it, but I neglected myself to. Life is strange or am I the strange one?

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