Will Ospreay

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It's a jam-packed night for the Dynamite crew, and rumors are buzzing about someone from  New Japan set to show up sometime during the broadcast. You head backstage to meet up with Trent and Chuck before the show starts. And you are super curious as to who precisely this special guest of the night will be. 

'Maybe someone from Bullet Club.' You think to yourself while you walk. And you get your answer when a familiar voice calls you from behind. "Well, I'll be damned. That you, Y/N, love?"

You stop walking and turn around with caution, goosebumps raised on your skin. When you turn fully you come face to face with a cheeky smile and a head of curly light brown hair. Will Ospreay. 

"Oh, god." You scoff and shake your head. "Please don't tell me that you of all people are the special star from New Japan that Tony advertised for the show, Will." You ask him.

Will chuckles, flashing you that stupid smile of his. "'Fraid so, love." He shrugs and steps a little closer to you. "It's been what? Two years since I had the pleasure of seeing that adorable face of yours?" He grins at you. 

"Three." You correct him. "And where are the rest of your dorky buddies, hmm?" You glance around for the rest of Ospreay's faction. "Because I know that you didn't come alone." 

"You always did know me so well, Y/N," Will admits, his smile never leaving his face. "The lads are...around. But I came to see you, special delivery." He winks at you.

You roll your eyes at Will's blatant attempt at flirting. "Some things never change, do they will?" You sigh. "You're still the same oaf that thinks he can flash any girl that dumb smile and bouncy curls and they'll be eating out of the palm of your hand." You scoff at his lack of change since the last time you saw him. 

"Yeah..." Will chuckles again. "You were always much too smart to fall for that, love." He admits. "It's why you've always been the special one. The one that I could never manage to get to go out with me." 

You take a second to observe your former pain-in-the-ass courtier while he's busy rambling on about how you're the one that he could never manage to rope in. Not much has changed since the last time you saw him in terms of looks. Will's bulked up a bit by the looks of the way his arms strain against his shirt. And his hair appears a bit darker than before. But he's still the same idiotic charmer that you've been curving for years now. 

"What do you want, Will? I've got places to be." You finally silence Will's rambling after a moment.

"Oh?" Will replies. "And where is that? You still hanging around those idiots from Roponggi Vice, then, love?" He asks you. 

"As a matter of fact, I am." You cross your arms over your chest. "It's called loyalty, Ospreay. You should try it sometime. Have a nice rest of your night, or don't. Doesn't really matter to me." You add and sharply turn on your heel to walk off. 

You begin walking away and for a moment think that Will isn't going to try and stop you or make one last comment before you're out of earshot of him. But just as you go to disappear from his line of sight you hear him shout at you. 

"Ah don't be that way, Y/N! I know that you're into me, love!" Will shouts at you. 

You stomp off in frustration and make it to Trent and Chuck's locker room. Chuck isn't at the show tonight so it's just you and Trent when you arrive. 

You stomp through the door and slam it shut behind you once you're inside which catches Trent's attention. He looks up from his phone and offers you a lighthearted laugh. "Damn, Y/N. Who pissed you off?" He asks you casually. 

"Will Ospreay, that's who." You plop down into a chair with a huff. 

Trent chokes a little bit at the mention of Will. "What? Will Ospreay? He's here?" He asks you. 

"Unfortunately, yes." You nod. "And he's still an arrogant dick." You add and cross your arms over your chest again. 

Trent worries a little bit in the back of his mind about Will being around backstage since they've got some old beef that Ospreay may want to bring up. But he also recalls that you've also got a bit of history with Will. 

He eyes your behavior up with a curious smile on his face. "You have a thing for him, don't you?" He asks you with a laugh. 

"What?!" You snap. "Will Ospreay? Me? Like, Will Ospreay?" You scoff and shake your head. "You're delusional, Trent." 

Trent continues to laugh at your denial, despite your glare. "Oh you've got it bad for him, don't you?" He teases you. 

"I do not!" You huff and cross your arms again. "I think that you've been knocked in the head one too many times, Baretta." 

Trent doesn't take any offense to your words and continues to laugh at your expense. You feel the heat rising to your face out of frustration and reach over to smack your best friend on the arm as hard as you can muster. Trent sees the attack coming though, and simply blocks it. 

"Oh come on, Y/N." Trent tortures you. "It's not that big of a deal. There are tons of girls out there that are obsessed with him." He reminds you. 

You sneer at that fact and groan. "Yeah, I know. But I am not one of them. I'm not nearly dumb enough to fall for that stupidly charming smile and that mop of curly hair." You insist but Trent doesn't buy a word that you're saying. "You better stop laughing Trent!" 

"Or what?" Trent replies with a grin. "You'll hit me? Oh, so scary, Y/N." He teases you. 

You ready yourself to leap across your chair and get at Trent while he's busy laughing but someone knocking on the door stops you from launching your attack. Trent walks over to the door and you glare at him again as he passes you. 

"Oh, well look who it is, Y/N!" Trent breaks out into even more laughter when he opens the door. 

You glance over at Trent as he steps out of the way of the open door to reveal Will standing in the hall with that same dumb smile. "Oh, god." You let out an annoyed sigh and get up from your seat. "Move!" You push Trent away from the door and step out into the hallway. 

"Go ahead and take her, Ospreay! She is dying to get at you!" Trent calls out with a laugh as you shut the door behind you. 

"Trent!" You whirl back around to the closed door. 

Will lets out a laugh behind you and you turn back around to face him. "Is that so?" He asks you with a wink. "Well, then darling? Are you finally ready to admit that you're into me, then?"

"I hate you." You roll your eyes. 

"Now, that's not what our good buddy Trent is saying," Ospreay replies. "And by the way that you're eyeing me up right now, love. It's not what you're really thinking either. Is it, now?" 

You can really feel the heat getting to you now, and you hate it. 'Why does he have to be so charming?' You complain to yourself. But you know that you'd mind as well stop lying to yourself. Trent is right, and so is Will. You do have a thing for him. You've just been fighting your feelings out of spite all these years.

You take a breath and decide to finally stop lying to yourself. "You're a jackass." You look up at Will instead of your shoes. "Cute. But a jackass." 

"Aha!" Ospreay grins. "I knew it! I knew that you couldn't resist me! Yes!" He celebrates briefly. "Few women can." 

"Oh get over yourself, Will." You roll your eyes again. 

"I might be able to manage that," Will replies. "If you get drinks with me after the show." 

"Fine! Now get out of here!" You push his chest away from you but agree to drinks anyway. 

Will does as told and hurries off, but you can hear him cheering about his success as he walks off. Now all you need to do is go back to the locker room and confront Trent, whom you know has been eagerly listening at the door this whole time. 

Wrestling One-Shots Volume 5Where stories live. Discover now