Bron Breakker

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"I asked you to teach him a lesson, Bron. Not hospitalize him" You confront Breakker as soon as he comes stomping through the curtain.

"You didn't hear all the shit he was saying about you." Bron grits his teeth, still high off the adrenaline from the fight.

Bron walks right past you but you follow after him with an accusing finger pointed at him. "So that gives you the right to put a man in the hospital?" You ask him. "I just wanted him to stop hitting on me. Not.....not this!"

Bron stops and turns around to face you. "I did what I had to do to keep him away from you." He insists. "Don't forget, you asked for my help because you knew I wouldn't hesitate."

Bron's reminder shuts you down for the time being. He's right. You did come to him after it was clear that management wasn't going to do a damn thing about Von harassing you.

You wanted the harassment to stop. You wanted to stop being afraid to walk around the locker room for fear of running into him.  But you didn't want this. You didn't want anybody to be seriously hurt. But that's what you get when you enlist 'Badass Bron Breakker' to help you out.

"You're right." You breathe an inaudible sigh. "Thank you, Bron." You give him his dues.

"You're welcome." Bron nods solemnly. "And hey, Y/N, listen." He places a delicate finger under your chin and tilts your head up to meet his gaze. "I know you don't like seeing people get hurt. But he wasn't going to stop. It was necessary."

You nod and turn to head back to the locker rooms. Shame is written plainly on your face as you retreat. But it's not because you had a hand in Von getting hurt. No. You're ashamed because you can't help but find Bron hot. This animalistic anger and violence he's been embracing as of late.

In the locker room, you are greeted by Tiffany Straton once you're through the door. She notices the shame written on your face and walks over to check up on you.

"Y/N, hey girl!" Straton offers you a cheerful smile. "What's up? You look upset."

"Hey, Tiff." You return her smile. "Do I? Weird, because I feel fine." You assure her.

Skeptical, Tiffany takes your arm and leads you further into the locker room. "Are you sure?" She presses you. "Is this about Von? I saw that match with him and Bron. It was brutal."

"Yeah.... It's kind of about that. I guess." You scratch the back of your neck.

"Did Breakker ask for something he shouldn't have for helping you?" Tiffany gets to her feet, ready to fight on your behalf.

You crack a small smile at the blonde's determination to defend you if you've been wronged. "No, it's nothing like that." You shake your head. "I just...I feel bad. I asked Bron to help me. But I didn't think he'd go that far."

"Yeah, it was pretty intense." Tiffany agrees. "But you can't blame yourself, Y/N. Von was harassing you and wasn't going to stop. You did what you had to do to make it stop."

"I know I know." You nod. "But that's only part of the reason I feel bad." You admit.

Tiffany tilts her head and sits back down. "Well then what is it?" She asks you.

"I thought it was hot, okay!" You blurt out your shameful answer while staring at the floor.

Silence falls over the room for a moment. Then it is followed up by Tiffany bursting out laughing. You narrow your eyes at her as she laughs at you.

"Tiffany! It's not funny!" You whine at her.

Tiffany gets in a few more laughs before she finally stifles her laughter. "It's kind of funny, Y/N." She insists. "Why are you being so hard on yourself? It's no big deal."

"Yes, it is!" You protest. "It's not...that's not who I am Tiff." You let out a loud sigh.

"Well the fact that you're into him says differently, N/N." Tiffany giggles.

You put your head in your hands and drag them across your face in frustration. Tiffany sets a hand on your shoulder and makes you look at her again. "Look, Y/N. I get it." She smiles at you. "Bron is an attractive guy. He's not my type sure, but he's obviously yours. And he stepped up to protect you when no one else would. So why wouldn't you be into him?"

"Yeah...I guess." You nod.

Fed up with your moping around, Tiffany pops to her feet and grabs your arm. She hauls you to your feet and drags you out the locker room. You dig your heels into the floor to try and stop her, but they don't call her the Buff Barbie for nothing.

Tiffany drags you all the way down to Bron's locker room and knocks on the door with her free hand.

"Yeah?" Bron opens the door and finds Tiffany standing in the hallway.

"Bron!" Tiffany grins at the champion while still holding onto your arm with a death grip. "Y/N here is super grateful that you helped her out with that icky Von Wagner. Plus she thinks that you're super hot and hunky! So here you go! You two have fun! Toodles!" She gives you a shove toward Bron.

Your words get stuck in your throat as Tiffany shoves you into Bron's chest. You regain your balance and watch Tiffany skip off while laughing to herself before you turn back to him.

"Ummm, hey." You blink a couple of times sheepishly at Bron.

"You look cute when you're being shy." Bron flashes you a sincere smile. "Come on in. Let's talk for a while." He offers.

You look inside the spacious locker room and nod. "Yeah, okay."

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