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"Why'd you even come if all you're going to do is complain?" Wardlow narrows his eyes down at you as you walk through the parking lot with him.

"It's not my fault that I messed up my knee." You frown. "And what do you expect me to do? Sit at the hotel alone and waste away?" You add dramatically.

Wardlow huffs and rolls his eyes at you. You hobble after him, your knee brace impairing your movement slightly. The two of you make it into the building and you head for the women's locker room to catch up with some friends while Wardlow heads for the Undisputed Kingdom locker room.

You are making your way to down to visit Skye and Julia before they're in action later when you happen to run into Max hanging around backstage despite his own leg injury.

"Max, hey." You offer the former champion a small wave.

"YN?" Max looks up from his phone with a surprised expression. "I thought you were out on injury after that ladder match with Red Velvet?" He asks you.

You nod and point to the brace on your knee. "I am. But since I am unfortunately associated with my brother's new group with Adam I've got to travel for promos and shows." Yo explain. "Hey, I'm sorry about all that by the way." You add.

Max narrows his eyes at you, skeptical of your sympathetic smile. Anyone associated with Undisputed Kingdom can't be trusted in his eyes. Not even Wardlow's cheerful sister.

"Yeah, whatever." Max grumbles out a reply and turns away from you.

"Again, sorry." You cough and take the hint. "Take care, Max." You add before you continue on your journey to find Julia and Skye.

Max turns back around when he hears you walk off. He watches you hobble off down the hall and a small part of him feels guilty for snapping at you like that. You've always been nothing but polite when it comes to Max. Even after he stabbed Wardlow in the back, you somehow remained civil with him. And it drives Max nuts. Why can't you be angry with him? Why don't you seem to hate him like everyone else does?

You make it to the women's locker room and find Julia and Skye hanging around. Both girls greet you with hugs and you sit and chat with them.

"So, how are you and Dante?" You ask Skye. "And you and Lee, Julia?" You ask her as well.

"We're good right now." Skye smiles to herself.

Julia matches Skye's smile and nods. "Yeah, us too." She agrees.

"Right. Good." You offer them both a smile. "And I'm stuck being single and injured." You joke. "Yay me!"

"Awe, sorry, YN." Skye frowns and hugs you.

You hug Skye and shrug it off, reminding her that you were just joking. Julia lists off a new names of single guys on the roster that you might be into. But none of them seem to catch your attention.

"Maybe she should try and get with Max." Skye jokes with a snort.

"Yeah right!" Julia laughs with her. "YN hates Max. Right, YN?" She looks to you for an answer.

You bite the inside of your cheek when Julia and Skye both look at you. "Well...I don't know about hate." You admit sheepishly. "I used to kind of have a crush on him back when Wardlow was first hanging out with him." You explain.

"Yeah, but that was forever ago." Julia replies. "Really, YN? After all the crap he pulled with your brother?" She asks you. "And you don't hate the guys guts?"

"I don't know." You shrug. "I guess I don't. Yeah, I'd like too hate him I guess. But I just don't think it's worth the effort. Not that it matters anyway." You add. "Pretty sure that Max hates my guts so." You shrug.

Julia and Skye both nod and the subject changes to something else. You catch up with the girls for a while before you decide to head out and catch up with your brother. Even if that means putting yourself in the crosshairs of Matt Taven and his ridiculous attempts to hit on you.

You make your way through the backstage area and run into Jay White and the Gunn brothers. Jay doesn't pay much attention to you. But the Gunn brothers immediately lock onto you as easy prey and saunter over.

"YN! What's going on pretty lady?" Austin steps up to the plate first and takes a swing at you. "Where are you headed looking that pretty all alone?" He asks you.

"To find my brother." You reply dryly. "You know, my brother? Wardlow?" You remind him of your relation. "Tosses losers like you around in the ring for a living?"

Austin scoffs and it's Colten's turn to take a swing. "Awe, come on, YN. You don't have to be like that." He grins at you.

You close your eyes and take a deep breath. Normally you'd have your brother here to start tossing bodies around. But this time around not only is Wardlow not here to play protective older brother, but you're playing with one good leg.

"Come on guys, I'm really not in the mood." You plead with the brothers to just leave you alone. But you should know better.

"Why don't you come hang with us for a while, baby?" Austin suggests. "We could use some arm candy for the night. Right, Jay?" He turns to Jay watching this whole spectacle from a few feet away.

Jay grins and shrugs. "Well, she is pretty to look at, ain't she?" He chuckles.

You find yourself trapped and without many options for escape when suddenly someone comes up from behind Austin and shoves him hard into Colten. You take a step back and watch Max of all people shove the brothers to the floor and start kicking, despite his known leg injury.

"Well? What are you waiting for?" Max stops his assault for a second to look up at you. "Get out of here!" He shoos you away.

You nod and take off to find Wardlow. You find your brother in the Undisputed Kingdom locker room and explain the situation with the Gunn kids and Jay. Furious, Wardlow rallies the troops and takes off to find the idiots. You intentionally leave out the part with Max coming to your rescue and head off to find him.

"Max? Hey, can we talk?" You find Max a few minutes later loitering around backstage again.

"YN? What are you doing back here again?" Max stares at you.

You flinch at Max's harsh words but you know that you've got to thank him. It's the right thing to do, after all. Even if he doesn't want to hear it.

"Look, I know that you don't want anything to do with me." You sigh. "But I don't care. I had to say thank you for helping with the Gunn kids, okay?" You explain. "You know? Everyone here loves to think of you as some evil person that only cares about himself, right? And yeah, you might have one hell of a damn ego, Max. But you aren't evil. I know that. And deep down, you know it as well."

Max's eyes widen at your outburst. He stares at you in silence as you fire off a long-winded speech about how somehow, you don't hate him.

"And yeah, I know that you probably hate me. You've got every right to do so. But I don't hate you, okay? I should. And maybe a part of me wants to. But I don't." You finish up your speech and go to hobble off back to the locker room.

You take about two steps away from Max before he grabs your arm and whirls you back around to face him. "Fuck, YN." Max holds both your arms. "I hate how impossible you make it to hate you." He confesses. "I don't hate you either, you know?" He takes a chance and pulls you into him for a hug. "And you're welcome for Gunn's kids by the way. Even though I'm sure Wardlow is doing a much better job at kicking their ass's right now."

You hug Max back tightly and nod. Once you've felt like the hug has lasted long enough you let go and take a step back. "You know, in another scenario we would have made a good couple." You joke. "But I guess it's too late for us now, huh?" You ask him.

"Awe, don't count me out yet, sweetheart." Max grins and lifts your chin playfully with a finger. "I've been known for making decisions that get my ass beat all my life."

Wrestling One-Shots Volume 5Where stories live. Discover now