Jey Uso

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It's well into the afternoon when the plane finally lands. You sigh contently when you make it to the baggage claim, grateful that you're able to stretch and move around again. Jey walks next to you, in a grumpy mood since Sami was the third person in your row on the plane. 

"Jey, come on." You nudge your husband on the arm. "Would it kill you to smile a little?" You ask him.

Jey scoffs and he glares ahead of you where Sami is chatting with Jimmy and Solo. "I just spent 4 hours stuck on a plan with that idiot right next to me." He reminds you in a sour tone. "Why would I be happy about that?" 

"Oh, you poor baby!" You roll your eyes. "How could we all be so blind to your misfortunes? I mean it's not like you were also sitting next to your wife on that plane ride or anything like that." 

Jey's scowl softens a bit when he takes the time to remember who he's talking to here. AKA you, his wife five years. You put a hand on your hip and watch him struggle to come up with an apology for acting like a dick. 

"I'm sorry, baby." Jey finally sighs and steps over to you with open arms. "You know I love having you around all the time." He pulls you into his side and kisses your forehead.

"It's alright, Jey." You hug him back. "But you know that you're going to have to eventually get over Sami hanging out with us all, right?" You remind him. 

A small flicker of anger crosses Jey's face, but he pushes it down and nods silently instead. You both gather up your bags and head to meet up with the rest of the group. Jey walks over to Jimmy to chat and you break away to talk with Solo and Sami for a moment. 

"Solo! How was the ride with Roman?" You ask the younger Uso brother. "I swear that man is so dull on plane rides." You joke with a small laugh. 

Solo shrugs, cracking a small smile at your joke. "Awe, it was nothing. I slept almost the whole ride anyway." He shrugs. 

"Well, that's one way to kill 4 hours I guess." You nod. "Sami, I remember that you were saying something about a killer coffee house in the city on the plane?" You turn to Sami. 

"Yeah!" Sami grins, his face lighting up at your attention to detail. "It's a funny story actually." He chuckles. "It was my first time in the city and I was busy sightseeing when I ran into this poor girl on accident. She spilled her cup of hot coffee all over me so I offered to get her a new one." 

"Ouch!" You laugh. "That must have hurt." 

A few feet away, the twins are busy chatting about work when Jey hears your laugh. He stops talking to Jimmy and turns around to see you laughing at something that Sami is telling you and Solo. And Sami happens to be standing just a bit too close to you for Jey's comfort. 

"I swear man, I am going to beat his stupid ass!" Jey growls and tries to walk off. 

Jimmy manages to catch Jey by the shirt and hold him in place. "Calm down." He scolds Jey. "Zayn ain't doing anything to, Y/N. And you know that she'd never let that slide man. Come on." He reminds Jey. 

Jey stops struggling against his brother's grip, but the scowl remains on his face. Jimmy rolls his eyes and calls you over to them before Jey really gets riled up. You walk over to the pair and see the scowl on Jey's face so you step in front of him. 

"Really?" You scold Jey. "I can't even have a casual conversation with my brother-in-law and friend without you trying to make a scene?" You match his glare. "You can let him go, Jimmy. I've got him." 

Jimmy nods and walks over to Sami and Sikoa so that you and Jey can have a moment alone. You watch Jimmy walk over before you turn back to Jey. "What?" Jey scoffs and turns his gaze away from you. 

"Oh no!" You reach out and grab your husband by the cheek, promptly turning him back toward you. "You wanna act like a child, then I'll treat you like one!" You warn him. "Grab your bags, we're heading to the hotel early." 

Jey locks eyes with you for a moment but knows better than to argue. He picks up his bags and skulks past the rest of the group. You walk by Roman and explain that you and Jey are going to the hotel earlier before hurrying to catch up with him. 

The ride to the hotel is silent. Jey is too stubborn to let himself talk about his feelings, and you have zero patience for men that act like children. You arrive at the hotel and head inside, slamming the door shut behind you. Jey sets his things down and announces that he's going to take a shower. 

"Stubborn idiot." You mumble to yourself as Jey disappears into the bathroom. 

You unpack a couple of things before settling down on the bed. You kick your feet up and scroll through your phone, twirling the wedding ring on your hand absentmindedly. Jey comes out of the bathroom a few minutes later toweling off his hair and sits down on your side of the bed near the end. 

"I'm sorry," Jey speaks quietly, looking at the wall in front of him. 

"Oh, so you're ready to talk like an adult now?" You reply dryly and set your phone aside. 

Jey turns around to face you, his face as stoic as ever. "I'm sorry." He repeats himself. "I know that I've been acting like a dick this past couple of months." He sighs. "You don't deserve that." 

"I'm sorry too." You sigh and lean forward a bit. "Treating you like a child doesn't help the situation any." You admit. "I just wish you'd tell me what's wrong. Why do you seem to hate Sami so much? And why do you seem so pissed off all of the time now?" 

Silence falls over the room again and you lean back against the headboard of the bed, sure that Jey is done talking once again. "He's got a huge thing for you. You know that right?" To your surprise, Jey speaks up again. "And that's why I hate him so much. Because he's trying to push up on MY GIRL, and no one sees it but me." He grits his teeth, gaze falling to your legs. 

"What?" You reply with surprise. "Oh my gosh!" You stifle the laugh in your throat. 

Jey's head snaps to your face at your muffled laugh. "Oh, so you're laughing now!" He confronts you. 

"Jey, sweetie." You laugh. "I want to be as clear here as humanly possible right now so listen well." You inform him. "I have ZERO desire. And when I say zero I mean it. Zero. None. Zilch. To get with Sami Zayn. Okay?" 

"I know that!" Jey replies. "But that doesn't change the fact that Zayn is still always tryna get with you right in front of my face!" He points out. 

You laugh again and lean forward to grab Jey by the arm and pull him down into you. "God, I love you so much you jealous bitch." You laugh. 

"I love you too," Jey replies, his head resting on your chest. 

"Jey, stop trying to beat Zayn every time that you see him." You warn Jey. "The next time that I think that he's trying to get with me, we'll just make out to cancel it out." You joke. 

"I can get down with that." Jey chuckles. 

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