Kit Wilson

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"Ugh, I can't believe that I forgot it." You groan in frustration while frantically sifting through your hair and makeup bag. 

"What's wrong now?" Shotzi replies from the other side of the room where she's fixing her makeup. 

You let out another groan and toss your bag back onto the vanity in front of you. "I forgot my straightener at the hotel, again." You complain, mentally cursing yourself for being so damn forgetful. 

"Again?" Shotzi snickers. "Isn't that like the third time this month?" She asks you. 

"Yes, it is." You grit your teeth. "Please tell me that you brought yours?" You ask her with the last bit of hope you've got. 

Your tag partner laughs at your misfortune and shakes her head. "Nope, my hair almost never needs straightening." She grins at you through her vanity mirror. 

"Lucky you." You glare at her. "I guess that means I'm gonna have to go beg the makeup team for one then." You sigh and walk to the locker room door. 

"Maybe not." Shotzi turns around before you open the door. "Kit Wilson and Elton Prince, those two new guys from NXT. I'm almost positive that they've got one. And their locker room is only like two doors down." 

You hum and think for a moment about who Shotzi is referring to. "Kit and Elton? You mean those two pretty boys that wear the cute shoulder-only shirts?" You ask her. 

"Yep." Shotzi nods. "Both of them have hair that is way too nice for them not to have a straightener between them. Plus, I know that you think Kit is cute. I saw you eyeing him up a couple of days ago." She teases you. 

"Was not!" You protest. "I'll be right back." 

You exit the locker room and hear Shotzi laughing as you shut the door. You begrudgingly walk down the hall and find the locker room with 'Pretty Deadly' taped across it. You knock sharply on the door and wait for a moment for an answer. 

A few moments later the door cracks open and Kit pokes his head out the door. "Yeah? Oh, hello!" He looks down at you with a curious smile. "It's Y/N, right? You tag with Shotzi?"

"Yeah, that's me." You smile back at him and bounce on your heels nervously. 

"Well, what do I owe the pleasure of this visit too, gorgeous?" Kit leans against the locker room door with a cheeky grin. 

You let out a small amused giggle and relax a little bit. "I was wondering if either you or Elton had a hair straightener that I could borrow?" You ask him. "I'm an airhead and keep forgetting me. And well, I'm a hot mess without it." You gesture to your seemingly unkempt head of hair. 

"Of course!" Kit flashes another dashing smile and pushes open the door wider to let you in. "Please, come in!" He gestures for you to follow him. 

"Thanks." You nod and follow him inside the locker room. 

Kit leads you into the locker room and over to what you presume is his bag. He reaches in and pulls out a hair straightener before handing it over to you. "Here you go! You can give it back after the show." He adds.

"That's perfect!" You grin to yourself and take the straightener. "You are a lifesaver, Kit. I mean it." 

"Happy to help a gorgeous girl in need." Kit winks. "And for the record, I'm sure you'd look just as stunning without it." He adds. 

You blush and quickly make your way back to your locker room where Shotzi is waiting for you. You close the door and she spots the straightener in your hand. 

"I see that I was right." Shotzi teases you. "Did you have to flirt with him to get it?" She asks you. 

"It's more like he flirted with me." You laugh and walk over to your vanity. 

Shozti walks over to you and giggles. "So, I was right. You do think he's hot?" 

"Maybe." You shrug. "Now move so I can finally do my hair." 

A few hours later, after Smackdown is off the air, you are packing up your bags when you remember that you still have to return the straightener to Kit. You grab it off your vanity and head out to return it. 

"You should totally ask Kit out when you give that back," Shotzi suggests. 

"Maybe I will." You tease her. 

Shotzi flashes a wicked grin at you. "Atta girl, Y/N!" She encourages you. "Go get yourself a man!" She jokes. 

You laugh and head back to the Pretty Deadly locker room. This time when you knock, Elton is the one to answer. 

"Y/N, what a wonderful surprise." He greets you. "Kit has been waiting for you to show up." He jokes and lets you in the locker room. 

"Really?" You giggle. 

Elton nods and gestures to Kit sitting on the other side of the room. "Oh, Kit! Look who's come back to see you!" He teases his best friend. 

"Y/N! Hello again." Kit jumps to his feet. 

"Hi." You wave and walk over to return Kit's straightener. "Here's your straightener back. And thanks again for letting me borrow it." You add. "You think that you could let me buy a round of drinks as thanks?" 

"Drinks?" Kit replies in slight surprise. "That sounds lovely,  I could go for drinks. Just, give me some time to get packed up and I can meet you at the hotel." He suggests. 

You nod. "Okay, I'll see you later then." You wave again and dismiss yourself. 

"Kit, mate. Isn't that my straightener?" Elton confronts Kit once you are out of the room. 

"It is, yes." Kit nods with a sly smile. 

Wrestling One-Shots Volume 5Where stories live. Discover now