CM Punk

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The crowd is rowdy as ever in Chicago tonight. Shouts are coming at you from all sides as you make your way to the top rope in your corner. Skye stands below you on the floor making sure that Ruby Soho can't knock you off the ropes. 

"Get here, Y/N!" Skye shouts at you as she takes out Ruby. 

You stand up straight and flash a wicked grin at Toni Storm who's laid out in the middle of the ring. You turn away from the ring and deliver a picture-perfect moonsault onto Toni. Storm grunts under you at the impact and you quickly hike up her leg and go for the pin. 

The bell rings so Skye slips into the ring and helps you to your feet. She holds your hand high in victory and the two of you hug before you make your way up the ramp backstage. 

"Wow, that moonsault was a thing of beauty." CM Punk greets you when you come through the tunnel with Skye. 

"Punk." You greet him with a suspicious but friendly smile. "Now how'd I know that you'd show up tonight?" You ask him with a hand on your hip. 

Skye remains at your side, seemingly awestruck that CM Punk is standing in front of her and talking to her mentor/best friend. "Who's your friend, Y/N?" Punk glances at Skye. 

"Hi!" Skye blurts out and steps forward for a handshake. "I'm Skye Blue. Huge fan!" She giggles eagerly. 

"Nice to meet you, Skye." Punk shakes her hand with a friendly smile. 

Skye steps back to your side once Punk lets her hand go, and you send her on her way. "You should go get changed for your match with Ana, later." You inform Skye. "I'll catch up with you in a few minutes." 

"Okay." Skye nods. "It was so cool to meet you." She smiles at Punk one last time before she skips off. 

Punk watches Skye leave before he turns back to you with a chuckle. "She sure is bubbly." He comments. 

"She's sweet." You agree. "And one hell of a wrestler." You add. "Give her a year or two and she'll be out-performing half of the girls here. Some of the men too." 

"Well, she does have one of the best looking out for her." Punk replies. 

You roll your eyes playfully and step to Punk's side so you two can chat more easily. "So, you're back now then? Tell me, how was your vacation?" You ask him. 

"Boring, really." Punk shrugs. "Hell, all I really did was sit at home and watch the show." He admits with a chuckle. "Speaking of the show. You've been busy, I see." 

"Just a little bit." You grin. 

Punk scoffs at your modesty. "A little bit?" He repeats you. "Rumor is that you're getting Toni Storm at All In. And you're supposed to win it." 

"Key word here is rumor." You reply slyly. 

Punk chuckles again. He'd forgotten how much you love to play games and keep everyone on their toes. "Anywho. You and Angelo Parker still going out?" He asks you. 

"No." You shake your head. "We broke up around two months ago. It was a mutual thing. Why?" You ask him right back.

"Just checking." Punk shrugs. 

You eye Punk up with a skeptical brow raised. His expression remains casual despite your intimidation tactics. Which just makes you even more suspicious of his questions. "Right. Well, I've got to check on Skye before her match. I'll catch you around, Punk." You dismiss yourself for the time being. 

"Catch you later, Y/N." Punk nods. 

You head back to the locker rooms to check on Skye, all the while you're racking your brain for why Punk seems to interested in you all of a sudden. You make it back to the locker room and find Skye just getting done changing. 

"Good, you're almost done." You comment as you shut the door behind you. 

"How did your chat go?" Skye replies. "I can't believe that you know CM Punk." She gushes. 

You roll your eyes and sit down to relax for a few minutes. "We're old friends." You shrug. "But he's not usually this outwardly friendly. It's odd." You admit. 

"Yeah?" Skye tilts her head to the side and sits down next to you. "I mean, I don't know him very well, obviously. But it kind of seemed to me like he was flirting with you." She informs you. 

"What?" You scoff. "CM Punk? Flirting with me?" You find the claim to be absurd. 

Skye throws her hands up in defense and shrugs. "Hey, like I said. I don't know him that well." She reminds you. "It was just an observation is all. Are you coming out to the ring with me?" She asks you. 

"I'll walk you down to the tunnel." You shake your head. "You can handle Ana by yourself. But I'll hang out by the tunnel just in case something goes down." You assure her. 

"Great! Thanks, Y/N." Skye hugs you. 

You walk Skye down to the tunnel and hang back while she heads out for her match. You aren't backstage for long when Punk happens to come around the corner again. He spots you and immediately heads over to talk. 

"Well well well, funny seeing you here again." Punk jokes. 

"Punk. Hey," You turn and greet him. "What are you doing back here again?" You ask him curiously. 

Punk shrugs, leaning against the wall casually. "Is, enjoying the view, an acceptable answer?" He asks you with a grin. 

Your eyes widen a bit and you realize that Skye was right. Punk is flirting with you. So, not about to be outdone, you turn on the charm. "Depends on who you're looking at." You answer his question. "I mean I admit, Nyla does look great back there." You nod to Nyla Rose on the other side of the room. 

"That we can agree on." Punk chuckles but doesn't falter. "But I think that we both know that I didn't mean Nyla." 

"CM Punk." You shake your head with a grin. "We've known one another for over a decade." You remind him. "Isn't now a little bit late to start hitting on me?"

Punk shrugs and licks his lips. "Why not?" He asks you. "We're both single. And sure, we're not really young anymore. But that doesn't mean that I don't know how to show a girl a good time." He adds. 

"Umm, speak for yourself." You laugh. "I am still very much young, thank you." You insist. 

"Right, my bad." Punk chuckles again. "But besides the point. You and me? Dinner, tonight?" He asks you. 

You glance at the tv monitor on the wall to briefly check on Skye. She seems to be holding her own so you take the bait. "Depends. You paying?" You ask Punk. 

"A gentleman always pays." Punk nods. 

"Then it's a date." You agree to plans. "Sure, it's about 11 years overdue. But better late than never, right?" You joke.

Punk grins to himself and nods in agreement. "Exactly. I'll see you after the show then. And tell that protege of yours I said nice win." He points to the tv monitor just as Skye gets the win over Ana. 

You giggle to yourself as Punk walks off and you wait for Skye to come back through the tunnel so you can congratulate her on her win and tell her the news. 

Wrestling One-Shots Volume 5Where stories live. Discover now