Solo Sikoa

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"You wanna tell me why the hell you dragged me down here when we could be chilling in the locker room right now?" Jimmy complains from Solo's side as they make their way through the backstage area. 

"I told you earlier," Solo replies vaguely. "There's something that I want to see." 

Jimmy scoffs but continues to follow his baby brother. The pair finally come to a stop backstage over by the production crew. Jimmy idles by and watches Solo intently turn his attention to the monitor set up against the wall displaying the action in the ring. 

Iyo is currently out in the ring with the rest of damage control and talking about who her next opponent is going to be. "What are we waiting for here, Solo?" Jimmy starts to get annoyed by the lack of information Solo is providing him. 

Suddenly, entrance music that Jimmy doesn't recognize blasts through the arena speakers. Solo cracks a rare smile and points to the monitor while the crowd out in the arena all go wild. "That's what we're waiting for." He points to the monitor. 

"What? Who?" Jimmy steps forward to get a better look at whoever Solo seems to be excited to see. "Y/N L/N? Who's that?" He turns back to Solo with even more questions than before. "And why do you care so much?" 

"Y/N and I are old friends from my NXT run," Solo explains. his gaze still transfixed on the monitor. "I haven't talked to her since I left NXT. But when I heard rumors backstage that some A-list talent from NXT was getting called up to Smackdown to challenge Iyo, I knew it was going to be her." 

Jimmy turns his gaze back on the monitor as you march your way to the ring with no fear. Damage Control all encircles you to protect Iyo, but you pay them little to no mind. Iyo is the one you're here for. And no one is going to squander this opportunity for you. 

"Long time no see, Iyo." You flash a smug smile at the current Smackdown Women's champ. "I'm going to guess that you're smart enough to know why I'm here?" You add. "So why don't we skip the niceties and get right to it?" 

"You're a little outnumbered here, don't you think?" Bayley scoffs from Iyo's side. 

You turn your attention to Bayley for a second. "No one asked, Bayley." You inform her nonchalantly. "I'm here for Iyo, that's it. So everyone else? Well, you're all just in my way." 

Bayley scoffs and nudges Asuka and Kairi at her side. Dakota laughs with them but she's still not cleared for action, so you know that you don't have to worry about her. 

"That's some ego you got there, newbie." Bayley's attention snaps back to you after whispering with Asuka and Kairi for a moment. 

"It's not ego if you're just that good, Bayley." You reply. "And trust me on this. I am that good." You assure her. 

Backstage, Jimmy watches with intrigue as you work your mic skills against Damage Control. "Well, she's certainly got balls, that's for sure." He turns to Solo. 

"You ain't seen nothing yet." Solo cracks a knowing grin and nods to the monitor. 

After a bit more verbal sparring Bayley is the first one to attempt an attack on you, she goes for a clothesline which you dodge swiftly. Asuka and Kairi plan a combo attack but you send both of them out of the ring as well. Dakota retreats since she can't fight, and all that's left is the woman that you're after. Iyo Sky. 

"Look's like you're out of goons, Iyo." You laugh and gesture to the rest of Damage Control all laid out on the floor. 

Not about to back down from the challenge, Iyo makes her attack and the two of you trade a few blows. You get the upper hand and send Iyo out of the ring to join the rest of her crew. Iyo's championship belt remains on the mat in front of you so you pick it up and raise up to a roaring crowd. 

"You and me, Iyo! Royal Rumble!" You issue the challenge with the belt held high in your hands. "It's time the 'Genius of the Sky' got grounded." 

You leave the belt in the middle of the ring and hop down off the apron. Iyo glares at you from the safety of her peers and retrieves her belt while you make your way up the ramp. 

Backstage, Jimmy shakes his head in awe of your performance. "Damn. I can see why the two of you were friends." He chuckles. 

A few minutes later you enter the room and spot Solo hanging around with his brother. Having not seen your former NXT buddy in almost a year, you head over to him. 

"Well, I'll be damned." You march over to Solo with a smile. "If it ain't the hardest working man in The Bloodline." You tease. "Solo! It's been too long, man." 

"Y/N, it's good to see you." Solo nods and opts for a side hug. "I see that you haven't lost your touch." He alludes to your performance out in the ring with Iyo and Damage Control. 

You giggle and nod. "You know me, Solo. I take what I want. No matter who's in my way, or what I have to do to get it." You remind him. 

"Solo was saying that the two of you used to run back in NXT?" Jimmy speaks up from Solo's side. 

"Yep." You turn to Jimmy. "Solo's the only one that I could ever get to train with me on the regular. Everyone else was too afraid." You laugh. 

Jimmy nods, starting to see why you and Solo were such good friends. You turn back to Solo with another smile and get back to catching up with your old friend. "Anyhow. Nick Aldis signed me to the brand so get ready to see a lot more of me, Solo." You inform him. "Especially with a title belt around my waist. Because I am so kicking Iyo's ass at the Rumble." 

"Oh for sure." Solo agrees. "You busy after the show? I'd love to catch up some more." He asks you. 

"Yeah, I'm free." You nod. "Just shoot me a text after the show. Now, I've got a meeting with Aldis that I probably shouldn't be late for. But we'll talk later, Solo." You dismiss yourself. 

Solo nods and waves you off. He waits until you are out of sight before he turns back to his waiting brother. 

"So you two definitely did it right?" Jimmy asks. 

"What? No!" Solo scoffs. 

"Liar," Jimmy replies with a smug laugh. "You most definitely hit that, bro." He insists. 

Wrestling One-Shots Volume 5Where stories live. Discover now