Wheeler Yuta

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You arrive at the gym with your bag slung low over your shoulder and an eager smile on your face. You sniff the air and let out a content sigh. 'That's the smell of hard work.' You think to yourself as you walk up to the front desk and pull out your membership card. 

While you are getting checked in at the desk someone comes up behind you and gently taps you on the shoulder. You turn around and find Wheeler Yuta smiling at you. "Wheeler!" You greet him. "Funny running into you here. Doesn't my dad work you, Mox, and Bryan enough already?" You joke. 

"Obviously not." Wheeler chuckles with you and pulls out his card as well. "We've got another training session today. Did Regal not tell you?" He asks you. 

You frown at Wheeler's statement and shake your head. "No...he didn't." You inform him. "Which is odd, because he's always nagging me about hitting the gym more." 

The girl at the desk hands you back your card and takes Wheeler's from him. You linger around while Yuta gets checked in so you can chat a bit more. 

"Yeah, that is kind of weird." Wheeler agrees. "I mean you are his daughter." 

You shrug and try not to read into it too much. "Oh, I'm not going to worry about it." You force a smile. "I'm sure that the old man just forgot to tell me about it, is all." You insist. "Wait for me outside the locker room, yeah? I'm gonna go change really fast." 

"Yeah, for sure." Wheeler nods and you head for the girl's locker rooms. 

You change and put your bag away safely in a locker as fast as you so as to not keep Wheeler waiting long. When you come out of the locker room he is right where he said he'd be waiting for you with that adorable smile on his face. 

"Right, thanks for waiting for me, Wheeler." You thank him. "Come on, I'm sure that my dad will be happy to see me." 

"No problem, Y/N." Wheeler flashes a toothy grin at you. 

The two of you walk off onto the gym floor and it doesn't take you long to spot Jon chatting casually with Bryan across the room. You and Wheeler walk over to the pair and you greet them. 

"Jon! Bryan! You two sure did get here early." You comment with a friendly smile. 

Jon and Bryan stop their conversation and look at you and Wheeler. Both of them seem surprised to see you. "Y/N...hey." Bryan greets you first. 

"Yeah, hey, Y/N," Jon adds quietly. "When did you get here?" He asks you. 

"Just a few minutes ago." You answer him with a shrug. "I met Wheeler at the front desk and he told me that we had a training session today. I guess that my dad forgot to tell me." 

Jon and Bryan share a small look before they turn back to you. "Right...he must have forgotten." Bryan nods. 

You notice Jon and Bryan's odd behavior right off the bat and are about to confront them about it when Regal joins the group. You turn and expect a warm welcome from your dad but he looks just s surprised to see you as Bryan and Mox did. 

"Y/N? Love, what are you doing here?" Regal asks you with a confused look. 

You furrow your brows, smile faltering. "What do you mean dad?" You laugh at his obvious joke. "We've got a training session today, why wouldn't I be here?" You ask him. 

"No, Jon, Bryan, and young Wheeler have a training session today." Regal clarifies. "I don't recall asking you to be in on this one." He informs you. 

"Excuse me?" You scoff. "Why wouldn't I be here for a training session, dad? I'm a part of the team just like they are." You remind him. 

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