Nathan Frazer

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You're minding your own business one night while backstage at an NXT show and waiting for your boyfriend to finish his match. Sat down on a bench in catering, you're busy scrolling through your phone when all of a sudden a shadow is cast over you. 

"Hmm?" You look up from your phone and find Grayson Waller eyeing you up with a flirty smile. 

"Well well well, what do we have here?" Grayson grins down at you and invites himself to sit next to you. "I don't think that I've seen you around here, sweetheart. And I know that I definitely would have remembered a babe like you." He winks at you with no shame. 

You set your phone in your lap and roll your eyes. "Grayson Waller, right?" You ask him with an unimpressed tone. 

"Oh, so you've heard of me then?" Grayson chuckles, licking his lips as he continues to eye you up. 

"I have, yeah." You nod. "I believe you're the one that my boyfriend is up against tonight." You smile at him. "Does the name, Nathan Frazer, ring any bells in that pretty-boy head of yours?" 

Waller's smile falters a bit at the mention of a boyfriend. But the Aussie playboy is quick to recover from the blow. "That dorky Seth Rollins wannabe bagged a babe like you?" He snorts. "Ah, now that's a crime right there, sweetheart." 

"Oh? Is that so?" You fake an interested laugh. 

"Hell yeah!" Grayson eggs on. "A solid 10 like you, sweetheart? You should be on the arm of someone much cooler than Nathan Frazer." He insists. 

You stifle a laugh, admiring Waller's persistence with this bit. "Someone like you, I assume?" You ask him. 

"Sure!" Grayson nods with a snarky grin. "Just say the word gorgeous and I'll sweep you off your feet." He assures you. 

"My hero." You roll your eyes. "But before we get to the part where you sweep me off my feet, aren't you at least going to ask me my name?" You ask him. 

Grayson realizes his mistake in not asking what your name is and nods. "Of course! Where are my manners? What is the name that goes with such a lovely girl?" He asks you. 

"It's, Y/N." You reply with a smile. "Y/N Rollins." 

Realization kicks in and Grayson's confident smile slips away. You laugh and get to your feet, leaving him sitting on the bench. Nathan comes into the room at just the right time and beckons you over with a small wave. 

"It was a good effort, Waller." You shrug with a grin. "I look forward to seeing my Seth Rollins's wannabe kick your ass in the ring though." You laugh and walk off. 

You walk over to the other side of the room where Nathan is waiting for you. You get over to his side and he slings an arm over your shoulder gently. "Were you just talking to Grayson Waller, babe?" He asks you curiously. 

"Mhm," You hum. "He was making a very compelling argument on why I should dump you for him." You joke. "Something about you being a washed-up, Seth Rollins wannabe." 

"Did he now?" Nathan chuckles. "Quite the choice of words, huh?" He leans down and kisses your cheek. 

"I know." You giggle. "You mind if I come out to the ring for your match tonight? I wanna have a little bit more fun?" You ask him.

"Of course!" Nathan chuckles again. "You know that I love having you out there with me." He kisses your cheek gently again.

"Yay!" You joke with a smile.

Later in the night, you head out to the ring with Nathan for his match. You walk over to the commentary table and sit down next to Wade and Vic.

"What a surprise seeing you here, Y/N." Vic greets you. "What brings you down to NXT?" He asks you casually.

"Yes, don't you have enough time bothering the Raw and Smackdown commentary teams, Y/N?" Wade adds in an annoyed tone.

You roll your eyes and smile at Vic. "I'm just here to annoy your partner, Vic. But thank you, anyway." You joke.

Vic chuckles and everyone turns toward the ramp when Grayson makes his way out to the ring. You send a sly smile Waller's way as he passes you, and he tries to ignore you.

"Don't tell me that you came here to flirt?" Wade scoffs when he sees you.

"Jealous, Wade?" You bat your eyelashes at him. "No? Then mind your own business, Barrett." You warn him. "Honestly, Vic. How do you put up with him?"

Vic laughs at your quip and the bell rings for the match to start. Nathan and Grayson get to work against one another. You cheer on Nathan when he's not too focused, and he grins at you from the ring each time.

The match lasts around 10 minutes before Nathan gets the win over Waller. You give Vic and Wade one last smile before you head into the ring.

"Tell me, Grayson. Who's the has-been, now?" You laugh as you step over Waller. "Because it doesn't look like it's, Nathan."

Grayson growls from the floor as he picks himself off the ground. He glares at you as Nathan steps to your side and you raise his hand in victory.

"Whatever!" Waller snaps. "You weren't even that hot, to begin with!" He pouts as he stomps off.

Nathan chuckles and you turn to him. "Well, now that can't be further from the truth." He grins at you and leans down. "Tell me, love. Do I get a kiss for beating him?" He asks you.

"I suppose that you might deserve one." You giggle and kiss him gently.

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