Channing 'Stacks' Lorenzo

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You are barely through the door of the Don's locker room when suddenly Stacks is at your side and pestering you with questions and concerns. 

"Y/N! Oh, thank god that you're here!" He hovers at your side. 

"Well yeah, right on time like I always am." You reply, narrowing your eyes at your brother's lackey. "Where is Tony? I've got some stuff we need to discuss." You survey the room for your missing brother. 

Stacks still hovers at your side, practically bursting at the seams with something to say. "That's what I'm tryna tell you! The boss, he's gone." Stacks explains. 

"Gone?" You scoff. "Well, where did he go? God, that is so like, Tony. Alway's taking off when he knows I need to talk to him." 

"Nah, it ain't like that." Stacks defends Tony. "A bunch of stuck-up suits were here earlier. N' then they took the boss in. Said they had some questions for him." He explains the situation further. 

You grit your teeth upon hearing the news and Stacks finally steps off a bit so you can think. "Well, that's just great." You groan. "I guess that means I'll be taking care of business myself while Tony is gone then." 

"But what about the boss?" Stacks replies. "What are we going to do?" He looks to you for answers. 

"We aren't going to do shit." You reply cooly. "Tony is a big boy, he can handle this himself. Plus those suits ain't got nothing on him. They're just tryna scare us is all." You insist. "So you can relax, Channing. You look like you're about to come undone." 

Stacks nods and takes a second to compose himself. This is the first time that something like this has happened to Tony, so he's been worried out of his mind all morning. "Right, sorry boss." He chuckles nervously. "So, what's the plans for tonight then?" He asks you. 

"I've got a match against that annoying little twit, Ivy Nile later." You reply. "You can come out to the ring with me and make sure the Creed brothers don't try anything." 

"Alright, I can do that." Stacks nods. 

You dismiss Stacks from the room for a bit so you can get changed. While he's out in the hallway waiting for you, Von Wagner and Curtis Stone both come meandering down the hall. Stacks narrows his eyes at the pair as they approach. He and Tony have had problems with them before. Especially Von. 

"Well well well, if it isn't Tony D's little pet." Wagner teases Channing with a cocky grin. "I heard that your big bad boss got collared today." He laughs. 

"Watch your tone!" Stacks growls back with a scowl. 

Wagner laughs again and towers over Stacks. "Yeah? Or what?" He challenges. 

Upon hearing all the commotion out in the hallway, you stick your head out of the door. "What's going on out here?" You ask as you come through the door in the middle of fixing your hair. 

"This your new boss?" Von snickers at Channing as he eyes you up. "I can't say she's much of an improvement." 

Puffing out his chest, Channing steps forward to hit Von, but you grab his arm to stop him. "Don't bother." You shake your head at Stacks. "We've got much better thing to worry about than a cheap Bron Breakker copy and his pussy ass lawyer." 

Stone scowls at you from behind Von, but the pair decide to head off. You watch them walk off before you release Channing from your grip.

"You should have let me kick their asses," Channing complains. 

"Please." You scoff. "Those two aren't worth the time and effort." You insist. 

Channing pulls his arm back to his side and shakes his head. "But they were talking about The Don." He complains. 

"Okay? And?" You reply. "If Tony wants to teach those two bozo's a lesson then he can go right ahead when he gets back." You add. "Come on, I'm about done in here, so let's head out to the ring." 

Channing nods and you both head out. You get to the ring and have your match against Ivy, which you win. And Stacks makes sure that the Creed brothers keep their distance during the match. After you win, you and Stacks head back to the locker room and you once again banish him out to the hall so you can change. 

While Channing is waiting in the hall again, he once again spots Von and Curtis Stone walking through the halls. He opts to ignore them like you told him earlier. But then he hears what the two of them are talking about. 

"Did you hear that little bitch? Who does she think she is, talking to me like that?" Von complains. "I mean she thinks just because dumb D'Angelo is gone that she can parade around and do whatever she wants? Someone should smack some manners into her." 

Stacks goes off suddenly upon hearing Von's threats against you. And before he knows it, he's barreling down the hallway towards Von. 

A few minutes later, you are brushing out your hair when Stacks slips into the locker room quietly. You spot him in your vanity mirrors and scoff. "You could have knocked." You scold him. 

"Sorry, boss." Stacks replies quietly while turning away from you. 

"What was that?" You turn around to face Channing since you didn't fully hear him. 

Channing remains facing away from you and repeats himself. "Sorry, boss." He answers a bit louder this time. 

"Stacks?" You eye him suspiciously. "What's up with you?" You ask him, but he doesn't respond. "Channing!" You prompt him again, this time with more authority. "Turn around and look at me when I'm talking to you!" 

Channing slowly turns around to reveal a bruised-up face with a bloody nose and lip to go with it. A small gasp escapes your lips and you get out of your seat to walk over to him. 

"Channing! What the hell happened to you!" You rush over to his side and cup his face in your hands to examine the damage. 

"It was Von," Channing replies, shame written on his face. 

You shake your head and turn around to retrieve something to wash the blood off of Channing's face. "I told you to leave it alone, Channing." You remind him. "Tony can fight his own battles." 

"He wasn't talking about Tony this time," Channing replies. 

"No?" You put a hand on your hip. "Then what was it?" You walk back over to him and begin to clean the crusted blood off of his face. 

"I know that you told me to leave it alone," Channing admits. "And I was. I swear I was. But then I heard Wagner talking all this crap about you. And I just snapped, okay?" He explains. 

Your hand stops wiping blood from Channing's face and you lock eyes with him for a moment. He looks so pathetic sitting here in front of you, apologizing for defending your name. But you can't help but adore him for it. "Channing." You reply softly. 

As if he's reading your mind, Channing leans forward, his free arm hooking around your lower back and closing the remaining gap between the two of you. Your eyes flutter shut and seconds later your lips are met with a metallic taste from Channing's split lip. But truthfully, you don't really mind it. 

"You're forgiven." You pull away from Stacks with a joking smile. 

"Thanks, boss." Channing laughs with you. "It won't happen again. Promise." 

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