Childish games turn into a war

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*10 years ago*

In a land full of wonder and spirit were two feisty children, one a princess who was adventurous and stubborn and was quick on her feet when playing games such as one she is playing now with the fool of a boy from the kingdom over.

Alexandra was a beautiful young lady who had eyes as green as jade with a fire held within them, with beautiful chestnut hair flowing in the wind as she viciously chased the boy from the fye kingdom, although the game seemed like one that would seem fun for the boy it most certainly wasn't as being chased by this girl was crazy.

"Alexandra stop chasing me"

"Casimir stop being a grump and just play with me please?" Alexandra pulled out her puppy dog eyes as she knew they were irresistible, well at least for everyone in her kingdom especially her father they were definently hard to resist. Still, for Casimir, it seemed like the easiest thing to say no to, like it was child play. 

"No, I don't want to get your girl germs all over me, stay over there by the tree and I will be over here by this bench." 

Seeing Casimir sit on the bench Alexandra pouted as she was bored, their parents seemed to be taking forever to do whatever business they had which is why they were outside playing as the parents didn't want them cooped up in the castle.

Although Koda's castle was large in size it certainly wasn't always the best place for children to play as one could be met with a sharp object or a room that was impossible to get out of once entering.

Koda kingdom was a fairly large kingdom with a big castle but for the Fye empire family, it was certainly smaller than what they were used to although they were not such a family to make a fuss or a big deal over something they were just glad that their friends from childhood invited them over.

As the children were chasing each other outside with a watchful guard on duty the parents were inside discussing important business for future endeavors with each other.

"Welcome, Gabriel and Isabella we are so glad you can join us today,"Queen Daria exclaimed with poise and grace as she smiled at the two before her.

" We wouldn't want to miss this meeting of course as the works were in motion the day we all finally met each other." Queen Isabella exclaimed in delight as she couldn't wait for this meeting to start, there are many things she wants to discuss when it comes to the future, especially about the two she can hear outside enjoying each other's company.

"So, are we all still in agreement about the two outside and how they have been feisty with each other more than usual" King Phillip exclaimed hearing his daughter and prince Casimir chase each other throwing insults left and right.

As a father, he is proud of his daughter although her stubbornness can get the best of her, being able to call out wrongdoings like no other makes him appreciate her more every day however the constant fighting Alexandra has been having with Casimir is starting to take a vigorous toll on both sets of parents as they don't understand why neither child seems to get along each time they meet up.

"They seem to get worse every time it is unfortunate it had to come to these circumstances however they can't know quite yet what we are planning as it is far too early."Daria sighed frustratedly as she was hoping that they would get along better, the future both parents planned may crumble before their eyes if neither child can stand to even be in the same room together.

"When shall we enact the plan, surely we can't give them the ultimatum now as they are certainly too young for it," Isabella said in a worried tone as giving the ultimatum planned to them as children seem ludicrous and stupid however her husband thought otherwise.

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