A wonderful surprise

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Alexandra's P.O.V

After having a nice time yesterday I wanted to spend more time with Casimir however he has been acting weird.

This morning at breakfast he seemed nervous and barely looked at me, trying to get some of his attention I tried talking to him about anything but, throughout the whole conversation, he seemed to be out of it so I gave up and just ate my food.

Afterward, I was going to ask him to come and hang out with me under the tree for some games like the olden times. Instead, he got up so fast from the table that I didn't have a chance to ask him which made me sad.

"Alexandra do you want to have a girls' day with me and Isabella?" looking at my mother I thought more about Casimir, I did ask for a day off from him to have for myself so it would only be fair to give him a day so I shook my head sure to my mother's suggestion.

Finishing up my breakfast, I go and get ready for the shopping day with my mom and Isabella. 

Even though I am worried about Casimir it will be good to have some r and r time with mom and Isabella I also might take this time to get to know more about Isabella as she will be my mother-in-law, I might as well get to know more about her.

"So where are we going to start?" I loved shopping and mom always has the best taste in fashion but, sometimes it is hard finding the right shops, with being in a different country and having Isabella we might score more on this shopping than we had in the past.

"I was thinking we start at the dress shop and make our way down, I know Casimir got you a dress recently but, it's still nice to look at more clothing just to broaden your taste." Isabella smiled brightly as we walked into the first store.

"Welcome to dress barn where we have all the styles just for you, how may I help you today?" The lady at the counter was looking down at the book so she didn't really notice that the queen came into their store to the lady's utter shock and surprise.

"I was hoping that you could help my friend and her daughter here?" Isabella sweetly answered.

"Your highness, my apologies I didn't know it was you who walked in here." The lady bowed to show respect but, Isabella didn't mind as there was no disrespect.

"No apologies needed, I really want to find some nice dresses for the princess of Koda kingdom, Alexandra." Isabella made sure to state who I was so no one said anything or mistakenly did something they weren't supposed to.

"Of course, we have a great selection of different dresses to expand your wardrobe with let me grab a few samples for you to look at, I will be back in a jiffy." The store clerk went to the back as we waited for her return.

"Casimir got me a dress not too long ago, do I really need another one?" Of course, I would love more but, it's just a habit to look at things and think do I really need this and then not buy it?

"I know that he got you one recently but, as he probably said to you, treat yourself so why not come and grab more for any occasion coming up there may be some parties soon and you would want a variety of choices for each kind of party," Isabella stated as I looked at my mom a little worried about spending so much money.

"Alexandra sweety, I know your worries and they are not ones you should have, so shush them up put them in a box, and lock them away, just enjoy this shopping time alright?" My mom glanced at me making sure I understood what she was saying.

"Alright" after that the store clerk returned and I got to try on some new dresses and picked a few that I really liked.

Soon we left and went to some more stores before I started getting tired and wanted to go see Casimir as I wanted to spend time with him.

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