Problem solved

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Alexandra's P.O.V

After yesterday being an absolute win, I decided to make today my day just by relaxing around the castle and not having a worry in the world.

I am putting my worries about the future aside and the impending doom of each set of parents maybe finding out the plan from before and giving us nothing and tossing us aside off my mind.

I just need all the problems that aren't solved right now to leave my mind and the peace to enter and take over my body.

So far, I have slept in through the morning which luckily my mother let me do. I have read many more books from Casimir's library going through the many I have picked out and also going back into the library to pick out more.

I also just want it to be my me day so I told Casimir that unless I decide my me day wants to include him that I don't want to be bothered or followed around just let me have my space. Which he completely understood.

After spending some time in the library I went to the art room and wanted to do some painting nothing with too much thought put into it just, a painting with a bunch of paint swirled about on the page not needing to have a meaning behind it. Just peaceful chaos of art is all I want to do today.

Grabbing a few bucks of paint I start choosing random colors and swirling them about on the page. Making zigzags, swirls, and a bunch of just whatever I want I finish and stare at the page.

I stare and just admire my work in peace which I haven't done in so long. Before even Casimir came to my castle I didn't find much time to just let all my frustration and emotions out on the canvas. I just did the instructional steps of painting and never gave any meaning to it.

Just doing whatever I want is something I need to do more often, sighing I decide on the next place I can leisure in as spending time in the castle and leisure about is something I rarely do.

I make it into an area I don't remember seeing before, I nice little nook that seemed like a study. It honestly seems perfect for me to do my me time in so hoping this isn't a restricted area I cross my fingers and hope for the best later on. I make myself at home and just feel the coziness of the room surrounding me, it felt so cozy that eventually, I closed my eyes for a little nap.

* 30 Minutes later*

I stirred from my nice little nap and saw that I was still in the little cozy room so, after stretching I lazily arise from my spot feeling that my legs were a tiny bit numb. Hoping I wouldn't fall I make my way out of the nook to run into a certain someone of mine.

"There you are Alexandra, I know you wanted a "me day" but, I did want to check on you for a bit... How did you find this nook?" Casimir asked as I was still trying to wake up from my tiny map.

"Oh, just by exploring it is a great place for a nap so if you see me in here again just assume I needed a nap." I rubbed my eyes feeling the need to stretch, so I reached high in the sky letting a big yawn.

"Sounds like someone is still a bit sleepy, we can go take another nap in my room as I want to hang just a little bit with you is that alright or do you need more time for yourself?" 

I shook my head no as I got the perfect amount of "me time" for today.

"Well, then do you want to spend the rest of the day with me?" Casimir said while he smiled his cute smile.

"Sure Casimir I would love to spend some time with you today but, it needs to be relaxing as that is the only thing I want for today, is to be relaxed." I loved when we spent time but, I just want to relax so I hope he has something relaxing to do.

"Why, don't we do a spa day" Casimir started to walk towards the hall and down to a room I knew about but, I can't quite remember what was inside it.

"What room is this again?" 

"Oh, princess I don't think I actually showed this room but, this is our spa room you could say." Casimir looked at me with a smirk as I realized that I could have done spa days here.

"What, why didn't you show it to me?" I was a bit mad that I could have had spa days and didn't know about the area until now.

"I am sorry princess, it wasn't a room I use so it wasn't in my mind during the tour and well I wanted to spend my time with you and a spa room wasn't an ideal place for that." Casimir seemed to be sad saying that as I aw at his explanation.

"Aw, Casimir that is so sweet. Sorry about the reaction but, this is a great place to be in I hope it is a room that not only I enjoy but, is a place we can enjoy together." I hoped it is a room we can use more often together as it would be a fun activity to use and a place to relax once we become king and queen of both kingdoms which is a lot of lands to rule for just two people.

"Oh, this place will be a spot we will enjoy more often once we have our titles and are married this will be a rendezvous spot for us to be in." I felt ecstatic hearing that as this will become one of my favorite rooms next to the library.

Filing inside the room we are greeted by the in-home spa staff as they each made us ready for our spa day, after getting robed we were sat in chairs as each member of staff started massaging us which made me want to do a sound out loud but, I kept it in to not be to inappropriate.

Throughout the time spent at the spa I was enjoying every second of it however I did moan once we got to the deep tissue massage which I knew Casimir was smirking at but, it was something I could no longer keep in.

After the spa time was done it was time for dinner and then bed.

*During dinner Casimir made sure to make some comments about the sound in the spa room. Now afterward*

Walking toward my bedroom I tried to keep Casimir's laughter out of my head so I wouldn't get even more embarrassed by it.

"Oh, my princess that was something I wasn't expecting in the spa room now the bedroom most definitely, but the spa room ah-ha" Casimir burst into a bit more laughter as I pouted.

"Stop picking on me I am surprised you didn't moan at all that was some good deep tissue." I tried to take my mind off the taunting as we slowly walked to my room.

"I am sorry princess, maybe I can make it better do you want another massage?" Casimir pulled in for a hug to emphasize what he may have really meant by his words but, I just brush it off.

"Save for after the wedding right now I just want a kiss goodnight." I made my lips into a pout to receive my goodnight kiss.

"As you wish princess" Casimir leaned in and gave me a sweet goodnight kiss.

Pulling away I open my door and slowly close it saying goodnight, after that, I got ready for bed as dreams awaited me once I closed my eyes.

*Done well then that was a nice chapter sorry if it seemed slow but, our protagonist here needed it, next time "so this is love" Casimir and Alexandria fall into a rhythm of love as they finally understand how their parent's love stayed so strong. Goodbye, my little bears.*

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