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Alexandra's P.O.V

The day after the crowning ceremony was the day my cravings for anything sweet came back, I for some reason wanted Caramel apples, donuts, and ice cream all at once this morning.

My mother gave me things completely different from those things but, I was hungry so I tried sticking to the diet my mother had for me so I wouldn't make myself and the baby completely sick.

Casimir was also there to help when it came to cravings, he gave me some of my cravings especially when it was late at night, which always made me feel bad when I woke him up to get me what I was craving.

My craving for peanut butter and pickle was the worst though, I literally craved sweets most of the time but, something my mother thought was the better give-in when it comes to cravings was the pickle and peanut butter.

I also wanted lasagna a lot as well, which the chef seemed always happy to make for me, I started to feel bad for the kitchen as I am sure they were working overtime to make sure Casimir didn't have to go far for my cravings for the day.

On and off I craved this and I craved that, I kind of wish my body would stop craving things to give everyone a break, especially Casimir.

My golly Casimir is the best husband a woman could ever ask for but, I know he is doing many things for this kingdom since our crowning.

I was doing some large tasks for the people until I got put on bed rest by the castle's doctor. Now I just lay in bed and crave so much food, sometimes the cravings die down and I can actually rest and not feel like a big pregnant woman.

I am very far along now about 5 months is what the doctor last told us about the time at which the babies are growing.

Boy though do they crave everything, hearing my stomach growl at me while I take a nap I wake with a startle, annoyed at what made the sound, the babies rarely move so it wasn't a kick the doctor says that they are healthy and that they seem to not move around much.

They obviously get their laziness from me but, that doesn't mean I don't feel it when they do decide to kick from time to time.

Casimir thinks some of my cravings are funny as those were the cravings his mother had when she was pregnant with him.

I just want them to stop making me feel so hungry for everything, I do the soup remedy when it comes to stopping some of my cravings from coming to me.

However, the remedy only stops them for a time being than it hits dinner time and I crave everything.

Which right now we are at dinner time and my baby  is deciding that the chicken is all we want to eat however I do put some of the potatoes, green beans, and fruit on the plate so I don't fill with meat.

Casimir seemed to take many pieces though as I see the parents pick from another meat tray altogether from where we were taking from.

Deciding to just eat what I got i take my time eating the meat by the time I finished my piece I wanted more chicken.

Well Casimir is the best husband on earth as he gave me five pieces from the million he took, I looked at him as he smiled probably knowing that I tried to not take too many pieces of what I actually craved.

"You should eat, we want our child to be a growing human being so sometimes as a pregnant woman you take as much as you want so the craving can stop." Casimir finished as he went back to his plate and started eating again.

I smile and just dig in feeling my baby kick happily at the meal they are finally getting, we finish our meal and head to bed.

*next day*

Thankfully, since last night's dinner I haven't felt the cravings I used to and when I do, I tend to just give in as it seemed my baby decided to settle down on wanting all the candy and sweets of the world.

Now it wants meat and potatoes and not just any potatoes oh no the au grautin kind, thankfully the chefs have loved cooking for the baby knowing how healthy it is growing so when I do go into the kitchen the head chef makes sure to get started on my meal in the moment.

Waiting for my meal, I feel the baby move around little by little as my stomach grumbles, gosh the cravings  are just everywhere calmed down or not I still feel the need for more food.

Rubbing my stomach, I smell my meal coming into the dining hall absolutely happy I am about to start to dig in but, having a child doesn't mean my manners disappear.

"Thank you for the meal." I smile to the hardworking chef whose smiles back happy to be of service for me.

Digging in I feel so happy for the potatoes, eating those first I then go towards the meat that smells so great.

"Are you happy about your meal?" I look towards who seems happy to see me eat what I want.

"Yes, the chefs always do an amazing job, the potatoes are the best the baby seems super happy about this meal." I go back to eating as my baby starts moving around again.

"I'm glad all I want is to make sure you and the baby are healthy and it seems the baby has been into more potatoes and meat than the candy so that's good."

I agree with him this meal craving is better than all other other ones as it seems that this craving seems much healthier for the baby.

After finishing my meal I go and sit in the library as Casimir joins me, I felt in bliss although being pregnant does have it's ups and downs I wouldn't have it any other way.

*Done, this chapter was a bit different I don't know all the crazy cravings that pregnant woman get although my mom seemed to want Mexican all the time when she was pregnant with me, anyways on the next chapter it seems the baby seems to be a bit more happy kicking inside the belly in the chapter called "The little kicks" see you later my little bears*

*Done, this chapter was a bit different I don't know all the crazy cravings that pregnant woman get although my mom seemed to want Mexican all the time when she was pregnant with me, anyways on the next chapter it seems the baby seems to be a bit ...

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