Returning Nuisance

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Casimir's P.O.V.

Being with Alexandra these past few days has been amazing, I am so glad that we are together for real although we haven't really discussed our relationship and what's changed I am sure we will both be on the same page of just becoming an actual couple and no longer act like one.

Feeling the blissfulness of the stars finally aligning in my favor has been a dream, I hope this dream never ends.

"Son, may you please join everyone at the table as I have an announcement to make." My father said as he held a piece of paper in his hand.

I hope those papers are just an announcement from the people maybe someone saw Alexandra and me and wants to congratulate us for becoming an actual couple. I am sure they knew that we were somewhat together but, now want to say something about it I am sure.

Joining everyone at the table I turn to my father a smile adorning my face ready to hear great news, amazing news.

"So, it seems that prince Richard will be visiting our kingdom so his father just sent a note that arrived two days ago letting us know how long he will be here and so I did send one back saying he could visit the castle at any time." My father said with a tight smile knowing that Alexis and I will not like this announcement at all.

"Excuse me, why is prince Richard visiting us he already was here not that long ago, why visit again?" I couldn't believe it, this stupid head is visiting again and I already know why as I am standing next to the person he got infatuated with, not her fault at all, but he acts like a creep around her.

"Do we have to stay around when he decides to visit the castle if he visits the castle?" I heard Alexis ask already knowing the answer her mother and my mother will say.

"Alexis honey, you cannot always be somewhere else when another royal visits us and the Fye empire. So I am only going to say this once you must stay for the whole visit." Hearing queen Daria say she must stay, makes me want to roll my eyes as although it doesn't look good if Alexis decides to be away when this person visits when the person is Richard I would agree with Alexis to be somewhere else away from him.

"Fine" Alexis looks sad as she sighs agreeing with her mother to stay around when prince stinky decides to visit.

Haha, prince stinky anyway seeing my princess sad made me want to hug her so I did I gave her a nice hug hoping that it will make her forget about prince Richard visiting for a second.

Feeling her arms wrap around me and give me a light squeeze I smile knowing that she feels a little better with this hug.

I look over to see the parents just gushing over our show of Affection which is real, kind of still in the works but, Alexis and I will communicate that once prince yuck leaves.

After the announcement and our cute affection we all decide to get ready for the maybe arrival of prince yucky mcyuckington, I mean prince Richard,  and my mother was going over way too much for a maybe visit of the prince.

Walking to the Library with Alexis's hand in mine I smile loving this quiet time with her, I wanted to take her to the library to cheer her up before Richard arrives hoping she thinks more of the books she got to read than his visit.

"I can never get over how huge your library is," The lovely voice of Alexis says making me smile so big.

"Good, we can visit whenever you wish to, it is one of my favorite places as well although I think you will have a better use for it than I do," I said looking into her beautiful green eyes that hold so much happiness inside just makes me want to kiss her losing myself and everything around us, I lean in going for a simple one for now so she can see as much of our library as possible maybe even get "lost" inside it.

Pecking her lips I finish leading her to the library where her face radiates the definition of happiness and I just could never look away from her.

I decided to just follow and watch her expressions change as we went from shelf to shelf picking out different books she never got the chance to read at her castle and ones that she doesn't even own which were many of them.

Seeing her grab a whole stack I ask if she wants something or someone to carry of the books for her.

Alexis looks at me and gives me some of the books in her hand to help carry around, after 2 hours of perusing and finding different books to read my mother came to tell us prince yuck face, ahem I mean Richard, is arriving now and we should get ready at the door to greet him.

Taking a deep breath I try to resist the urge to strangle him when I see Richards's face, making my way to where everyone is I stand next to Alexis plastering a fake smile on my face as soon as the door opens showing Richard standing there in a poised position stupidly.

"Welcome prince Richard I am very happy about your visit." King Gabriel, my dad, said to the arriving prince bowing to show respect.

"Yes, I am sure you received the letter about why I am here I hope you don't mind if I also stay here in the castle as I want to take a couple of days to pursue this amazing kingdom," Richard said with a face only a mother could love.

"I did receive the letter from your father talking about you wanting to peruse my kingdom which is fine by me." My father didn't look happy when he said it even with that smile he has on.

Looking at the prince in front I can already tell from the sigh coming next to me, whether Alexis wanted it silent or not, and the annoying face of Richard just bugging me for no reason, That this was going to be a long visit and I have a feeling this won't end nice or fast as I hope.

*Well, Richard has returned I wonder what will happen now that he is here I hope you like Casimir's point of view He may have another chapter at some point but the next couple ones are back to Alexis' point of view and she is not happy about the arrived prince. Next chapter we will see what Richard is finally up to, What will he have in store for Alexandra? Will his visit cause some tension for the new love birds? find out this and more in the next chapter "Offer you can't refuse" I am sure Casimir will get the wrong idea and Richard will leave this last visit sadder than ever before aha bye my little bears*

 Next chapter we will see what Richard is finally up to, What will he have in store for Alexandra? Will his visit cause some tension for the new love birds? find out this and more in the next chapter "Offer you can't refuse" I am sure Casimir will...

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