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Casimir's P.O.V

I made a big oopsie, trying not to be intimidated by my mother and avoiding my father I can't believe how stupid this all has been.

I love how they are mad that we might have not wanted to get married like they were the ones giving us a terrible ultimatum mind you, how they didn't expect us to plan anything against them I will never understand.

We have been in this room for over an hour the party had just ended, and everyone is now back home at their respective houses and castles as I did see some royals there at the party.

I was leaning against a wall that was behind a chair that Alexandra was sitting in, we both stared at our parents who were absolutely furious and looked like they were waiting for us to spill.

"Well, this was a great night wasn't it the party was absolutely fabulous mother." I tried and break the ice and go into this with good intentions, plus giving my mother a compliment will hopefully save me from the wrath.

"Son, I appreciate the sentiment however, that isn't going to save you here." My mother didn't buy it as I looked down hating this.

My stupid dumb butt actually did this, I feel bad for Alexandra even though she came up with the plan I did agree to it. All I wanted was Alexandra in my life now that we both have truly come to love each other we are now going to lose us.

Our parents will probably see that their plan didn't work, which it kind of did but, not really. Then they will realize how we are not in love which we actually are now, and then take us both apart and decided to no longer try.

I honestly feel bad for them I understand the plan as we were constantly pushing each other's buttons and by we I mean mainly me.

I look at Alexandra and just decide to come clean however I would like to make sure they understand that now we do love each other.

Before I actually did Alexandra decided to beat me to it and not come clean which is understandable.

"Why are we being questioned, shouldn't we question why you four wanted us together so badly?" I love that I am together truly with Alexandra however I wonder if we could have gotten together without having our parents push us.

"Son, we only wanted what was best for you two and I thought you loved her, I saw how you stared at her during our visits." My mother tried to reason why the parents made this ultimatum.

"Yes, I do love her and I have loved her, I do wish though you would have let me win her on my own without the pushing." I was honestly so mad we rarely visited after those few times and all of sudden they wanted Alexandra and me together.

I liked her growing up, although the chasing was annoying I did like that she paid attention to me, she was so cute as a kid and I know for a fact that if we saw each other more often that the love I felt all those years ago would have grown.

No one said anything after that, I didn't even look at Alexandra as she really didn't know how much I loved her.

Suddenly I feel my hand being held, I look towards it to see that Alexandra's hand is the one holding mine, looking up all I saw was the girl I have loved for all these years showing me she loved me back maybe for not as long as I but, that doesn't matter time doesn't matter.

All that matters now to me and what should matter now to the parents is that we love each other and that will stay true until the end of time.

"Son we are sorry for the pushing we promise to no longer interfere and  as long as you two do love each other that is all we could ever ask for." My parents finished off saying as Alexandra's parents stepped.

"You love our daughter?" I nod yes to their question hoping they understood.

"Then that is all we ask for is that you love her and treat her right." They finished off as I decided to hug Alexandra glad that the truth is finally out.

I may have made an oopsie but, it was definitely for the best as now we don't have to hide any more secrets and can be as free as we want with our love.

I just hope that everything was understood clearly I feel that there might be some more questions ahead but, we will face those later.

Right now all I want is to be with Alexandra and live our best life together we are going to have to discuss the situation of how the bet is going to be and how we are in love but, those can wait for right now.

Deciding to hug Alexandra our parents leave us for a bit to just be together we will wait for tomorrow to sort everything out.

"I'm glad that is now out how about you?" I look down at Alexandra to see her smiling.

"Yes, it's like a breath of fresh air to have that out in the open, I feel they still have questions and will probably bombard us at breakfast so be prepared." Alexandra squeezed to make sure I understood and I did.

"Yes, tomorrow at breakfast we will probably get the do you love each other?" Alexandra laughed as I rolled my eyes at the mess of questioning that will come, for now, I will relax and just try and spend some time with my beautiful Alexandra.

*And done alright this chapter may be a bit short we are close to the end so get ready to say goodbye to Alexandra and Casimir we still have some chapters left I just would like for you to be prepared as scar say aha, anyway I will see you all in the next chapter called Caught red-handed, this chapter will just be Alexandra's point of view for how they got caught and how she felt about it see you guys later bye my little bears*

*And done alright this chapter may be a bit short we are close to the end so get ready to say goodbye to Alexandra and Casimir we still have some chapters left I just would like for you to be prepared as scar say aha, anyway I will see you all in ...

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