Acting weird

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Alexandra's P.O.V.

The next morning Alexandra was excited about breakfast as last night was the best sleep she had had in a while, she didn't know where her excitement came from. Alexandra isn't going to think about it now as food is calling her name.

Flying down the stairs gracefully Alexandra gets to her spot for breakfast saying good morning to everyone who is already up including Casimir.

Looking at Casimir, Alexandra could feel the weird feeling of excitement coming back, why is she excited? Alexandra doesn't know but, hopefully, her parents won't say anything about it as they would most definitely embarrass her.

Working on breakfast Alexandra didn't like the silence she doesn't know why everyone was acting weird but, she decided not to comment on it.

"Alexandra?" Looking toward her mother Alexandra nodded showing she heard her mother hoping her mother didn't notice her weirdness that was definitely showing.

"I need you to tell the maid Maria to get some tea ready and our throne room tidied as some guests will be coming over today" Alexandra nodded to her mother as she got up to go tell Maria to tidy the throne room wondering who is coming over.

 Walking around she looked for Maria wondering where the maid could be until finally seeing her in the hall waving to get her attention.

Maria quickly walks over and curtsey's to show respect.

"Yes princess, How may I help you?" Maria looked at Alexandra waiting for an answer.

"My mother asked for you to tidy the throne room and to get some tea ready for our new guest, she didn't tell me how many people we will be having over so hopefully, someone in the kitchen will know." Alexandra realized she forgot to ask how many guests will be coming.

"Yes, I was told of the number of new guests so that will be no problem anything else princess?" Maria said as she realized what else she needs to get ready from the briefing yesterday.

"No, thank you have a good day Maria" Alexandra smiled as she went back to the dining room where she tells her mother that the maid has gotten the message.

After informing her mother of the message being received she finished up her breakfast looking toward Casimir wondering if any shows will be put on today but, instead of seeing the smug smile or the amused eyes all she saw from Casimir was a frown as he got up since he has finished his breakfast as he asks to leave.

 Wondering what is going on with him Alexandra turn towards Isabella wondering if something is going on with Casimir.

"Isabella?" Alexandra said to get the queen's attention she waited till she got it to ask this important question.

Isabella turned toward Alexandra with a smile on her lips wondering what is needed from her.

"Yes, Alexandra"

"Is something going on with Casimir?" Alexandra didn't miss a beat with it but, the fact he didn't even give her a teasing good morning or a surprising kiss she wondered if something happened yesterday she wasn't aware of.

"Oh, he is just moody about the news he received this morning have you gotten the message from your parents yet?" Isabella wondered as she looked at Alexandra's confused face.

Alexandra wondered what the news was to get him to not even tease or interact with her.

"No, or maybe and I just didn't hear it from not listening." Alexandra was going to turn toward her mother to apologize as surely she must be very mad.

Before she could get a word out her mother answered her awaiting question that hasn't left her yet.

"No, we were going to tell you after breakfast was finished but, I guess as we did with Casimir we can do with you, we have another guest coming tomorrow." Alexandra looked at her mother weirdly, who else could her parents want over at their small kingdom in fact they should move to Casimir's kingdom but, she didn't voice that out.

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