It's time

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Alexandra's P.O.V

Waking up I felt awful, after a nice rest of sleep, I thought I would feel great. Instead, I felt not only groggy but, the bed felt wet.

I wake with a weird sensation going on between my legs as well, with the feeling of the bed my brain clicks into a bit of panic mode.

Shaking Casimir I try and get him to wake up as I am most certain that my water has been broken, and made the bed very wet.

"Casimir" I shake very hard as I am kind of freaking out, hoping he hears the urgency in my voice that he needs to wake up.

"Alexandra, uh why is the bed ..wet.." He wakes up and see's me in panic, he makes a connection, and as everything clicks, he gets out of bed and helps me out.

Once we left his room he signaled to all the maids to get the room ready as my water broke this morning.

 Carrying me towards the birthing room he lays me down as everyone starts to scramble around, he makes sure a maid that isn't doing anything goes to tell all the parents that it's time and Alexandra is about to give birth.

After the maids help me get ready we had to wait for the area to be ready as birthing a human isn't exactly easy until the body accommodates right.

As I was waiting my mother, Casimir, and Isabella come into the room. I am happy that it's only the moms as I feel they would be a great help here.

As for Casimir, I am just happy he is here to give me the strength I need to push out our child.

"Waiting sucks" My water literally broke you would think I would be ready to push out my child but, the doctor says the diameter isn't at the right number for me to start pushing.

With each checkup, it has moved a few centimeters, but not enough. Now the doctor comes in as I feel contractions that were a pain in the butt and belly and head, my whole body really.

"Good afternoon my queen let me check again we could be ready to push alright when I tell you to push that is the moment to start alright." The doctor made sure all his instructions were heard and understood.

Nodding I see the doctor looking at how far the diameter was now, waiting for the word push I prayed that it was at the right number of 10 centimeters because if it wasn't I am going to feel the need to squeeze Casimir's hand just a little.

"Alright, queen Alexandra push." With that first instruction I push as hard as I can having to take a break, then being told to push, then break, then push so on and so forth until I do the last push and then hear the cry of my baby.

"Congratulations my queen it's a boy." I smile at my beautiful baby boy as he is given to the nurse to clean.

Not paying attention to anything else the nurse brings over my boy as I cradle him to my chest.

Feeling tears roll down my cheeks at the beautiful human being I am holding I feel Casimir sit down in the little space next to me as he and I cooed at our baby.

"What's the name you would want to give your baby?" Isabella asked as I looked at him feeling the name come to me I look up at Casimir as he nodded.

liking whatever I would choose and I only hope so.

"Henry Gabriel Joan prince of the fye empire," I say his full title as I see not only Isabella crying for the name I gave but, also Casimir was crying as I gave the middle name to his father as he has been like a second father to me.

After naming my child we made sure he ate, then I felt my body feel so weighted as I started to fall asleep.

Feeling Henry go into his father's arms I fell asleep going into dreamland.

*Change of point of view from here on out*

Casimir's P.O.V

Taking my beautiful baby boy from my beautiful amazing wife, I sit down in a chair and smile at my child.

Henry Gabriel Joan was a beautiful name and I was so happy that she gave my father's name as a middle name I hope we can do the same for her parents.

Rocking my baby was so nice and I look towards Alexandra amazed at her strength to not only carry our child but then go through the amazing birthing experience.

I was so glad no complications happened and our feisty little boy was born.

I know tomorrow the grandmothers will want to spoil him I just hope that Alexandra would get all the rest she needs.

Hearing the snores of my wife and child I lay my boy to rest in the bassinet that my mother had when I was a child.

Rocking away I smile at my beautiful family so excited for the future, I know our boy will be spoiled by everyone I also hope along the way we have a little girl as well

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Rocking away I smile at my beautiful family so excited for the future, I know our boy will be spoiled by everyone I also hope along the way we have a little girl as well.

Looking at our boy peacefully sleeping he seems to have his mother's chestnut brown hair while he seemed to have my skin tone.

I also can see some other features of ours I just couldn't wait to see whose eyes he got my wish is for Alexandra's beautiful green eyes but, I digress he will look beautiful even if he were to have mine.

After a while of staring, I decided to sleep for a bit as well, happy for this day and glad that everyone was okay in the end.

Off to dreamland, I go dreaming of our beautiful family that rules the lands as happy as can be. I hope to see their mother's feistiness along with my playfulness it will be interesting to see all our traits and habits wrapped in this little bundle of joy and hopefully more bundles of joy.

*Alright guys we are almost there I hope you guys like the name of the baby next chapter is probably going to be super short as all I am going to talk about is their little family which is the title of the next chapter is called my Family, that one will be all Alexandra as we skip ahead a few years and see their family and how they flourished, see you guys in the last one, bye my little bears* 

*Alright guys we are almost there I hope you guys like the name of the baby next chapter is probably going to be super short as all I am going to talk about is their little family which is the title of the next chapter is called my Family, that on...

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