Deal or death

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Alexandra's P.O.V

I was a mess the thoughts of an upcoming war weren't going away but, it seems king Gabriel had thought over the threat and did more thinking and he seems to have come up with a plan.

Hearing that this morning made me feel so much better from yesterday's news, I just hope that Richard will sit down and talk through everything before either country goes to war.

I don't want either of our people to be harmed because of the meaningless confrontation of the silly royals, that is no way for a future ruler to act it seems Richard though does not care.

 Preparing for the meeting I wonder how we come to an agreement, all I hope is for a peaceful end and to start my life with Casimir.

After getting in my best formal meeting dress, and putting my hair in a business braid I was ready for this conversation even though I won't be the one talking, in all honesty, I hope I don't have to be in the discussion and all the kings can come to an agreement.

Waltzing like a lady down the stairs I take a breath to calm my frantic beating heart, I open the door and see everyone including Richard getting seated at the table.

Although I pray to not be talking I needed to make the right decision of seating so I can be far away from Richard but, close enough to be part of the discussion.

Deciding to seat myself between my mother who was to the right of me and Casimir who was to the left as we have my father across from Casimir, and Gabriel at the head rubbing his head for the discussion ahead of us.

More like an argument if you ask me, I just hope Richard takes sense and not stupidity and ends this meaningless chase.

"Alright, now that everyone has arrived let's start the meeting. Richard, you have sent a threat our way to start a war. I am hoping that we can avoid any sort of war and we can end this peacefully." Gabriel looked like he wasn't wanting to be telling a manchild how to act and how it's stupid to make an enemy of two big countries that are also allies.

"The only way I see us avoiding the war is if I have Alexandria's hand in marriage." Richard snootily said as he made himself look like an adult but, he just comes off as a child.

"Well, fortunately, Alexandria here is already betrothed to my son I and the Koda kingdom have an agreement for their marriage since 10 years ago and it can't be nulled. I suggest we take a different solution here." Gabriel seemed to have something in mind which is great for everyone especially me, not saying that I am more important but, my hand for marriage and sanity were at stake here just keeping the priorities in check.

"What solution is there besides war or Alexandria's hand?" Richard seemed amused by a different prospect seemingly thinking that he had all the solutions in his deck of cards well, he won't be the only one anymore.

"I know for a fact that your father did not give you full freedom of charge although, you were passed the title and crown you weren't welcomed by your people who have now done stage a coup and the only way for your father to settle things civilly was to take your title away."  I couldn't tell if Gabriel was bluffing or not but, it seemed like something that was bound to happen as Richard was very neglectful of his people.

"That is a complete and utter lie" I could tell by Richards's face that he knew something like this was bound to happen.

"No, in fact, it was a reason for you to try and woo princess Alexandria so that she would fall in love with you and not my son. Now we are here they are betrothed and you no longer have options except for two." I wondered what Gabriel's options will be although they will no longer be options involving me, I do worry about what he came up with to make sure Richard backs off and no war is started.

Although it does seem that the war wouldn't be happening anyway, we don't know Richards's connections so better to be safe than sorry.

"What are they?" Richard seems to be scared, good.

" You leave the countries and never step foot in either kingdom, where you can return and try to win some type of title for then if you do, you are not to bother our kingdoms as we know we will have more power than you. Or you can die, we can stage a crime that will be against you, and to ensure that no uproar can come from you being tossed in jail it will be a crime so true and so bad that the only way out is death." I wondered what Gabriel meant by a crime so true but, knowing king Gabriel from these past few months almost a year now he is one to find out even the dirtiest of secrets about royals across every spec of land.

I look towards Richard to see he is full-on sweating, shaking in fear at what Gabriel just said I try not to smile as seeing Richard in full-on despair and peril was amusing.

Raising his eyebrow King Gabriel shows his impatience as do Queen Isabella and my parents, to tell you the truth it made me a bit scared especially if they were to find out about the deal Casimir and I have, they wouldn't love that they were to be fooled whether it became truthful later on or not we did lie to them for the first half of our relationship.

"Ok, ok deal I will leave everyone here and your countries all alone and will never return just, please, please no more threats." I didn't know the day would come when I would see a full-on royal burst into tears man or not, as it is in the best interest to keep most emotions at bay and to show little emotions during a deal.

"Alright, Richard now that the deal is set sign here so we can have it in writing and you can head back to whatever it is you will be calling home and have a "nice" trip back." Gabriel showed him a contract to sign, where he had that come from beats me, and showed him out to the door.

Seeing Richard finally leave made me breathe a sigh of relief no more obstacles and no more Richard to ever see again thank god.

"See princess, everything worked out for the best we have nothing to worry about anymore." Casimir smiled as he came and gave me a hug

I smiled into the hug just happy to finally have everything resolved and to no longer have Richard bothering me ever again.

*I am going to end it here, finally the problem is solved which is the next chapter called " Problem solved" although we solved it here I want to have Alexandra and Casimir just have a break for a bit before everything goes into chaos again so you could call the next one a filler chapter if you want, see everyone next time in the relaxing chapter. Bye*


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