Crowning ceremony

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Alexandra's P.O.V

I woke up with nervousness, feeling the urge to puke I wondered how I was going to the crowning ceremony.

Being pregnant on top of being nervous for today was certainly not helping but, It wasn't a hindrance. I decided to go get something for my belly to calm the nerves and any pregnant sensations I may be feeling.

"Good morning sweet- oh honey are you alright?" I look at my mother just trying to get the feeling to cease.

"I will be fine I just need something for my belly it's not doing great." I am hoping mother knows something remedy-wise to satiate this feeling.

"I think I have something to at least helping with morning sickness and nerves will that be ok?" I nod at my mother as I sat down feeling like crap.

As my mother went to the kitchen to get the remedy ready Casimir along with his dad and mine came through the doors.

"Good morning everyone... oh my goodness Alexandra, honey are you alright?" my dad asked concerned as I didn't really make a peep with my head laid upon the table.

Casimir's mother answered talking about how my morning sickness is really bad right now and my mother is getting something for me to be alright for this afternoon.

Feeling the chair beside me move I turned my head to look at Casimir who seemed really worried, I gave him a tight smile trying not to have the sensation of puking.

"Are you going to be ok?" I could feel the worry roll off Casimir, surely whatever my mother makes will at least help me to feel better.

After waiting for around fifteen minutes my mother appeared with a bowl of something that smelt delicious.

Appearing in front of me as I raised my head off the table, was a bowl of tomato soup I don't what remedies may have been put in here but, I could feel my stomach make a happy noise and not churn like before.

Digging into the soup I thanked my mom for the meal, as it made my tummy ten times happier.

"Honey may I ask did you eat a little too much yesterday, I know there was a carnival there in town so did you eat a little too much carnival food." I stared at my soup realizing that I basically went ham yesterday at all the different smells and couldn't help the craving to eat.

"Maybe" I give my mother an oopsie smile as she understood as well as I why I was feeling sicker than the normal morning sickness.

"Well, you are going to have to settle the cravings just a little." My mother said as I couldn't but feel, that this suggestion is not going to be easily settled as she would hope.

Finishing up and having my belly settle, I give Casimir a kiss before going to get ready for the ceremony that is about to start.

Since both Casimir and I were busy the parents were the ones to decorate the ceremony as it is. Truthfully I am grateful as doing an engagement party, and a wedding was enough for me to be partied out.

Getting into a beautiful dress I sigh, feeling ready to take on the crown. Having the maids help with my hair I go towards the doors we are supposed to stand at as King Gabriel makes his speech and announces us in.

 Having the maids help with my hair I go towards the doors we are supposed to stand at as King Gabriel makes his speech and announces us in

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Alexandra's dress

Alexandra's dress

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Alexandra's hair

"You ready for this Alexandra?" Casimir says standing next to me, I look at him with a smile as I feel 100 or almost 100 percent ready.

"Yes, Casimir are you ready?" I ask just the same knowing that his answer is the same as mine.

"100 percent ready princess" With that said we finally hear our names, having the doors open we walk in and make our way up to the thrones.

After  being seated the crowning ceremony commenced by the same priest who did our wedding.

*After many many words were spoken*

"I will now ask the question to both Casimir and Alexandra and they each must answer truthfully *He turned towards us* do you bith understand?" The priest waited for our answer.

We both shook our heads yes at the same time showing we are ready for the question.

"Alright do you Casimir promise to protect this kingdom with all your showing the people your prowess and dedication till thy last breath?" These were some very serious questions but, they were needed to have this all be done fairly.

"I do" Casimir said raising his head as his father's crown symbolizing the new reign of power, was put upon his head.

"And do you Alexandra promise to make this kingdom flourish, protecting and serving thy people showing your beauty and dedication till thy last breath?"  I knew my answer the day I was born for any kingdom I would have led this will always be my answer.

"I do" I raised my head as queen Isabella placed her crown upon my head symbolizing the new reign of power beside Casimir.

"Then by the power vested in me I now give you, people of Fye empire, your new king and queen rise up and show them your loyalty." The priest finished the ceremony's words as everyone in the stands stood up an clapped showing their appreciation to the new king and queen of the Fye empire.

I was ecstatic to finally be a queen, it was what I trained my whole life for and now I will be ruling with the love of my life by my side.

Casimir grabbed my hand as we both raised our arms showing our gratitude to our people, we waved with thanks that we were chosen  to lead them and we hope to lead them well.

After the cheering was finished and everything was over and done with, we then went to the dining hall to have a party showing how we are now the rulers of the kingdom.

Although I wasn't showing and my sickness had fully passed I did kind of gorge just a little with supervision by my mother and Casimir as no one still didn't know I was pregnant yet but, that can be announced once the child is born.

Once the party finished and I luckily did not get sick from my cravings, Casimir carried me princess style back to our room where we both did some fun things and eventually fell asleep.

To know be the new king and queen was definitely a dream come true.

*Finished, now Casimir and Alexandra are in charge, yeah on the next chapter someone may behaving some cravings but, they will be supervised of course don't want getting to sick now. How will Casimir cope with a craving pregnant woman? Will Alexandra be able to stop herself from indulging too much? Find out this and more on the next chapter called "Cravings" ooo I wonder what kind of weird cravings will Alexandra have? Who knows bye my little bears*

 How will Casimir cope with a craving pregnant woman? Will Alexandra be able to stop herself from indulging too much? Find out this and more on the next chapter called "Cravings" ooo I wonder what kind of weird cravings will Alexandra have? Who kn...

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