Unexpected Kisses

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*In the Morning*

Alexandra's P.O.V.

Waking up the next day, Alexandra felt a pounding in her head thinking from yesterday must have done this as her brain couldn't handle all the thoughts that were swimming in her head.

Trying to just push the pounding down Alexandra got ready for the day as she doesn't know what was in store for her.

Walking down to breakfast she saw that everyone else was up and already eating breakfast, making sure to quietly go to her seat Alexandra tries to keep the pain at bay as she didn't want her parents to worry that she might be sick.

"Good morning Alexandra. I hope you had a good rest" Her mother smiled as she went to breakfast.

"Good morning mother," Alexandra said as she felt the pounding slow down making her better just in time to eat breakfast.

"Oh, Alexandra don't forget your old pops don't I get a good morning?" King Phillip said pouting at his daughter as he awaited his good morning.

Laughing at her father Alexandra shook her head slowly as she said good morning to her Father.

"Good, morning father" Alexandra said with a smile as she saw her dad light up after getting the good morning he wanted.

Going back to her breakfast Alexandra felt a presence next to her as she was eating, looking up at Casimir she saw a questionable look in his eyes.

As she was about to ask what it was that might be bothering Casimir he came towards her face as she felt a peck upon her cheek.

(no lip-locking at the table)

Feeling her face heat up, she stared at Casimir who went back to his breakfast with a coy smile. Alexandra dared to not look up at the eyes that were definently on her for the rest of breakfast, not wanting that unexpected kiss on the cheek ruin her sense of mind Alexandra decided to ignore the action and go back to eating.

After finishing up Alexandra excused herself hoping to go have some alone time but, just like yesterday. someone decided to tag along.

"Alexandra, do you mind if I join you again?" Casimir asked with a shining smile as he made himself right at home walking next to her.

"Sure, not like you aren't already following me" Alexandra rolled her eyes but, stopped for a second as a sudden pain shot through her skull enough to make her stop walking.

"Alexandra?" Casimir said in a worried tone seeing as Alexandra was holding her head Casimir wondered if maybe she was sick.

"Are you feeling okay?" Casimir asked as he went and touched her forehead feeling the heat come off, Casimir grabbed her and went back to her bedroom.

Feeling herself being lifted she looked up and saw Casimir holding her and taking her to her bedroom as she let her head fall back as she drifted off to sleep.

*Later that night*

Waking up Alexandra felt a cold towel on her head as she arises from bed, wondering how she ended up back in her room.

Looking out the window Alexandra saw that it was nighttime meaning she missed an entire day, wondering how she got sick Alexandra put it down to the overthinking she had done recently which was completely unnecessary to do as she didn't have to think about anything but the plan.

Deciding to leave the room as she felt she was hungry Alexandra decided to go to the kitchen for a quick bite to eat.

Making sure not to make too much noise she made her into the kitchen as she found a meal waiting for her to eat.

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