Cold shoulder

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Alexandra's P.O.V

Waking up the next day I felt so refreshed and happy that instantly I jumped out of bed and got ready for breakfast.

Looking through my clothes I pick out something that I know Casimir would love and made myself all done up and went down to breakfast.

Seeing everyone at the table awaiting breakfast I say good morning to everyone and sit next to Casimir.

I was about to reach my hand out to his that was on the table to hold I see him remove it as I started to reach out.

I look over towards Casimir confused, I wondered if something happened tomorrow so I looked over at his father but, King Gabriel was super happy as he conversed with his wife.

That confused her even more thinking maybe something happened afterward she goes to ask Casimir what was wrong only to get interrupted.

"Good morning Alexandra, how are you doing?" Queen Isabella started to strike up a conversation with her which she wasn't going to ignore so Alexandra decided to ask Casimir what was wrong later.

"I am doing amazing, Isabella had a nice sleep last night. How are you, Isabella?" Even though Casimir not talking and ignoring me was unnerving and I wanted to know what was wrong I wanted to have a conversation with Isabella as it has been a while.

After conversing with Isabella for the whole breakfast Alexandra decided to finally ask Casimir what was wrong only to find his seat empty and his plate taken away. Alexandra frowned wondering where Casimir went.

Deciding to finish breakfast Alexandra didn't like how he was acting but, she didn't make any assumptions maybe he woke up on the wrong side of the bed.

Not wanting to overthink what might be going on she wanted to still talk with him and get any of the feelings situations sorted out so they can be on the same page.

Walking around wondering where he was she runs into a maid, as she accidentally bumps into the maid Alexandra wonders what is going on with Casimir and why is he avoiding her.

"Oh, my apologies princess Alexandra" The maid quickly made work of making herself presentable hoping to not make the princess mad.

"You're fine, it was my fault may I ask you a question?" Alexandra didn't even notice they bumped into each other but, she really needs to find Casimir as he may be going through something and Alexandra wants to help him.

"Oh, the prince was outside in the archery area last I saw" The maid curtsied and left as Alexandra huffed wondering why he was avoiding her, at least she thinks Casimir is avoiding her.

Deciding to quickly change into her outside royals clothes Alexandra didn't want to waste any more time and hoped that Casimir was still doing archery.

Going outside Alexandra looked around until she finally found Casimir working himself doing archery.

As Alexis approached him in a noisy manner to make her presence known, she takes a quick look as Casimir was only wearing pants and boots, he was completely shirtless and sweaty which made her swoon a lot damn.

"Casimir" she wanted his attention real quick, however, it seems that the archery was more interesting than her at the moment but, she is stubborn so she tried again this time louder and a bit annoying.

"CASIMIR" she tried to not laugh as she made him miss the target however, this wasn't the time for laughter or jokes.

"What do you want Alexandra?" Casimir said in a tone she did not like it at all it was very snippy.

"I want to know what is going on with you, are you ok? did something happen yesterday?" Alexandra didn't want this to turn into a fight as she is just worried Casimir isn't acting like Casimir he is acting sad and depressed which isn't him at all.

"You want to know what's going on, really why are you asking as you already know the answer, " Casimir said angrily as he dropped his bow and arrow as safely as he could and went off in a different direction.

"What do you mean I should know why, If I did I would not be asking you Casimir" Following the angry Casimir over to a secret door they can get into the castle with that Casimir showed her awhile ago.

"Well that's unfortunate for you stop acting all innocent Alexandra I saw you yesterday" Casimir was walking in stomping up the stairs to who knows where.

"You did?" Alexandra wondered why he didn't come and visit her if he saw her yesterday but, she thought he was busy.

"Yeah, you and Richard in the library conversing so did you take his deal it seemed like a pretty nice offer" Alexandra couldn't believe Casimir heard the convo but, that he is also idiotic enough to not stick around to hear her answer.

"Wait you only heard the question not the rest of the conversation and decided instead of putting your faith in me you would just assume I would take a deal like that" Alexandra knows they haven't been fully getting to know each other but, ever since childhood Casimir should know how hard it would be to persuade Alexandra to agree to anything.

"Well, guess so as it seems you may have taken the deal" Alexandra couldn't believe that Casimir would say this although she thought maybe they were getting somewhere with an actual relationship, she knows if this fight becomes known that they would lose everything and Alexandra doesn't want to lose Casimir to hell with everything else.

"Casimir I didn't agree to it at all, I would never agree to something like that, especially from Richard." Alexandra hoped that the truth would get through his head as it seems he misinterpreted the situation that happened and thought she would agree to his offer.

"How do I know you are not just saying that now that you have been caught, admit Alexandra he was giving you a better deal than I would ever be able to give you. We right now are doing a deal we aren't actually dating, nothing is real between us Alexandra." Casimir said with nothing behind his eyes making her tear up.

She knows that they are doing a deal but, she doesn't want to do it anymore she has fallen for him and she can't believe a misunderstanding is going to break them she won't let that happen Richard won't win.

"Casimir I never agreed to it, I would never agree to it and I told that to him. I told him off and made sure he would no longer be a bother to me or you or us. I-, I am telling the truth Casimir I never agreed to the deal and I wouldn't ever abandon you for him whether we are in a deal or not. I would always choose you, Casimir." Alexandra let the waterworks go as she doesn't want to lose Casimir and her feelings have become more prominent and real than ever before.

She looked up at Casimir and wondered what was going through his head as it seemed he stared at her as she bared herself and her true emotions, she hopes he will believe the truth she just told she wished he had stayed for that entire conversation and she wants to be with him no more of the agreement just Casimir is what she wants and she won't lose him.

*I am going to leave it there next chapter we are going to make sure Casimir knows the actual truth and hopefully our two lovebirds can get through this fight especially Alexandra as she is taking this fight really hard. See you guys in the explanation chapter of "Just a Misunderstanding" Casimir will finally get the truth but, will his outburst break Alexandra to much for her to ever want him in any way or will the explanation save his ass bye my little bears*

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