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We had gotten a call from one of Y/n's friends. The boy was so upset we couldn't understand him. Until a familiar voice took the phone.

"Uh Izuku you need to calm down." The familiar voice said.

"No it's my fault!" The boy cried.

"Mrs. l/n?" The girl said.

"Ochaco? What happened?" I asked me and my husband getting worried.

"Y/n got hurt really badly. Uh Izuku where are you going?" She said.

"Its my fault I'm going to the hospital with her." We heard the boy in the background say.

"What about your phone?" She said. Then there was movement.

"I'm sorry Mrs. L/n I really am. I'm getting in the ambulance with her she's going to the hospital down town." The boy said and we hung up and quickly left.

Izuku POV

I feel so bad. If I paid more attention then this wouldn't have happened. I held her hand as I looked at my lap not able to look at her.

"Sir can I tend to your head?" One of the nurses said and I just nodded. I forgot about the gash on my head that I got. I had to look up so she could take care of it.

Y/n whimpered as the other nurse cut her costume off. Her arm and leg ripped to shreds. Bones sticking out and tearing through muscle. I couldn't look.

"There is definitely nerve damage and muscle damage. This is going to be a long surgery we need to put her under now." The nurse said and they put a mask over her face.

At the hospital they got her out the ambulance and rushed her inside. I followed but soon they said that I couldn't.

I was brought to a waiting room. I looked at my phone when I got a text.

Todoroki: the guy is in custody. How is Y/n?

Midoriya: that's good. I have no idea. She's in surgery a nurse said something about nerve damage and muscle damage.

Todoroki: that's not good. Keep us updated.

Midoriya: I will.

I sighed in my seat when the door to the waiting room opened. It was her parents. Her mother was in tears only making me feel worse. I stood.

"I am so sorry ma'am." I said and she wiped her tears and walked over.

"Tell me what happened." She cried and I nodded.

We sat down and I told them everything. Her mother crying more. She put a hand on my shoulder.

"Oh you're a sweet boy. This is all just a accident it's not your fault. I appreciate you saving and going back for her." She said and I sighed.

Our conversation was interrupted when a nurse came in.

"We wanted to inform you that the surgery is going to take a while possibly all night. Until she is stable. If you want you can go home and rest we will give you a call." The nurse said and they nodded.

"Honey I will stay here you and the boy should go home." Her father said.

"Come on I will take you back to school." Her mother said and we left.

She drove me to school since the day wasn't over.

"Please if there is anything I can do to help let me know." I said about to get out.

"Of course." She said and I got out. I stood and watched her drive away. I sighed before going to the school.

The rest of the day and all night later.


It was late and I was sleeping in the waiting room. A nurse then came in.

"Excuse me sir." She said and I woke up.

"Yes?" I asked sitting up.

"She is stable and out of surgery to rest. She will be needing some healing to do before she is able to go home. She will be staying here for two days and the doctor will explain the rest when your wife is here." She said and I nodded.

"Thank you so much." I said standing.

"Come with me. I will show you her room." She said and I followed her.

When at the room she left me be and I sat in the chair next to her. I sighed looking at her bandaged arm and leg. A blood bag and IV hooked up to her. I stroked her hair sadly.

"My poor baby girl." I whispered.

To be honest I didn't want her to be a hero. Sure her quirk looked to be something a villain would have but I never seen it that way.

I just wanted my little girl happy and safe. I was already worried about her. She barley made friends growing up let alone have any interest in normal girl things like boys or dresses or anything like that. She just wanted to prove everyone wrong and be a hero.

She saw herself as a disappointment to us which wasn't true one bit.

I fell asleep at her bedside. Later her mother came in crying. I just looked at her agitated.

"Don't look at me like that." She growled.

"Why not? It's your fault." I said sternly.

"How is that?" She said voice scratchy. I got up.

"If you didn't put your insecurities on her because she has your quirk she wouldn't want to be a hero!" I growled my voice raised.

"That's her choice not mine!" She yelled back.

"You had a part in it!" I yelled.

"If you guys are going to argue again I would appreciate it if you left." We stop hearing Y/n speak softly. We turned to look at her and she wasn't looking at us. She just looked sadly out the window.

I growled grabbing my wife's arm and going outside the room.


They are always arguing about me. I'm just glad Keyo isn't here to hear it. It never gets physical but it's still traumatizing sometimes.

I hated it. Sure I'm happy at school but that's the only place I'm fully happy at.

Home isn't that bad but I tend to stay in my room most days.

Away from this.

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