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"Talk to me about what?" Izuku asked and I sighed.

"That was Shinso." I said shyly. He looked confused.

"Why is Shinso calling you?" He asked.

"Shinso is the ex boyfriend I was telling you about." I said shyly.

"Wait the boyfriend that?" He trailed off. I nodded and he quickly stood walking over looked a bit worried.

"Why was he calling you?" He said grabbing my phone.

"Uh hey slow down there." I said putting my hands on his chest.

"He asked to get back with you didn't he?" He asked.

"Yeah why are you so worked up all of a sudden?" I asked.

"Are you going to get back with him?" He asked.

"I don't know Izuku I said I would think about it." I said and he nodded giving my phone back.

"I'm so excited Izuku you have no idea. We were so in love he said he was definitely going to marry me one day. Oh I have to call Ochaco." I said and ran into my room.

Little did I know my statement hurt Izuku more then it should have.

Izuku POV


I called Ochaco and she seemed a little too interested in where and what time we are meeting up. She also asked some questions about him but I didn't think anything of it.

Which was my first mistake.

The next day.

I got all dressed up excited to see Shinso.

When I got there he was already sitting at a small table. I walked over and sat in the chair across from him.

"Hey sleepyhead." I said making him look up. His tired and annoyed expression lighting up.

"Hey kitten." He said pushing over a cup.

"It's your favorite." He said and I smiled taking a sip.

We talked and caught up some before getting to the real reason why we are here.

"So Um about us." I said taking a sip.

"You're the one who said you needed to think." He said and I sighed.

"I know I still haven't really talked it out with someone." I said.

"And he is not a boyfriend right?" He asked and I nodded.

"Yeah no it's just um like a fuck buddy thing just a little complicated." I said and was distracted by a chair scraping on the floor. We both looked over and Ochaco sat in a chair she brought over. She looked a little nicely dressed also.

"Ochaco what are you?" She cut me off.

"Hey Shinso long time no see." She said putting a elbow on the table and her chin in her hand.

"Ochaco." I growled at her.

"What are you doing leave." I growled and she smiled and sighed at me.

"Oh poor Y/n so angry from the lack of sex." She cooed and I was offended.

"What the." She cut me off and started a conversation with Shinso.

A hour later

I sat there looking out the window as the other two laughed. Ochaco won't let me get a word in at all. I sighed pissed off and upset. When I got a text.

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