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video games was everything to changbin. it was basically his stress-reliever, a world where he can get his mind off all of the troubled thoughts.

it would always manage to cheer him up whenever he was down. most specifically, during the time where changbin experienced the loss of his father. it had helped him through his rough times.

after all, that was his most favourite moment with his father. they would always spend the weekends playing video games and competing each other.

but now that he was gone, changbin no longer felt the same excited feeling as he did before. how could he? when his father isn't there to play with him.

he felt alone, to the point where nothing felt the same again. and changbin had no one to play with him, making him sigh deeply to himself.

as he put his favourite video game in and grabbed the console, changbin leaned back against the couch as he sat down. what's the point in playing this alone?

it's no longer enjoyable anymore, he couldn't feel the excitement he felt before. why is he even playing? when there was no point, would this even cheer him like always?

ever since jisung started living with him, the other didn't stop bothering changbin and trying to engage in what he was doing. and it annoyed him, why is he always doing this? why can't he just leave him alone?

just the thought of living under the same roof was enough to drive changbin mad, and now this? just what does he want from him?

with such thoughts ingrained in his mind, changbin started playing. at first it was kind of fun on his own, but that soon died down. now changbin was bored, having no one to hang out with.

it wasn't until his gaze soon landed itself on the bandage on his knee, this making changbin reminisce back to when jisung was there to soothe his pain down. it wasn't a lie that changbin kind of liked it, to feel the soft kiss of jisung's lips.

it had strangely calmed him down that day, he could feel a familiar feeling of nostalgia behind the older's actions. it was almost as if, his father was there to kiss the pain away.

would he be able to feel it again? that once comforting feeling he'd yearned for ever since his father's death? would jisung be able to deliver it again? and feel the same comfort?

only getting up moments later from where he sat, he started looking around in search for jisung. what is he even doing? why is he even looking for him?

doesn't he hate having jisung's presence around? if so, then why is he searching for him? and plus, where even was he? usually he would come in while he plays his video games to try to engage in his hobbies.

which would always annoy changbin and tell him to fuck off, but now, it was him looking for jisung. and he didn't know why. he just desired to feel the comforting feeling once again.

it didn't take him long when he soon found jisung on the bed, currently on his phone. as changbin slowly walked further into the room, this soon attracted jisung's attention to which he looked up to face him.

a bright smile instantly find its way to jisung's face at the sight of changbin, this making him place his phone down to have his full attention. "do you need something changbin?" he softly asked.

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