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by the time changbin was 17,

he was the closest with jisung than ever.

ever since what happened that day, changbin started enjoying jisung's company. and before he knew it, he would always spend time with him.

he no longer despised jisung anymore, in fact, he loves him. how much fun they would always have together, only endless chatter and laughter resonating in the room. it was safe to say, that changbin was finally happy.

even though changbin still misses his father just as much as he did before, the only difference now was that he no longer felt lonely or empty. because jisung was there for him, filling that up.

now changbin has got someone to play with and spend time with, someone he could always go to whenever he needed someone. basically, jisung was another safe place of his.

and changbin couldn't be any more happier, he was wrong. having jisung come to his life was actually a blessing, as if his father had purposely sent him. to bring light to changbin's life.

and there was nothing more that could describe how contented changbin is, he enjoyed being with jisung. the two would always share each other's secrets and joke around a lot.

if only his father was here, it would've been amazing.

"hyung!" changbin happily called out as he entered the room, a wide smile on his face. "let's watch a movie together!"

only walking further into the room to greet jisung, his smile slowly dropped seconds later. "h-hyung...?" he cutely called out.

"i'm sorry changbin, maybe not today." jisung said as he looked up to sadly smile at him, his expression was obviously clear to him.

changbin's eyes immediately widened at the sadness behind jisung's smile, looking into his sorrowful eyes. what happened? why does jisung look sad? did something happen to him?

"hyung... are you okay?" changbin innocently asked, nothing but worry present in his eyes.

"yeah, um. i'm fine." jisung chuckled through his smile, attempting to reassure him nonetheless. "why don't you uh, call hyunjin and invite him over?" he then suggested.

"i guess..." changbin could only mumble, unable to stop glancing over to him in uncertainty. "are you really okay though?" he added.

this only made jisung continue to smile at him with a nod, soon watching as changbin released a heavy sigh. "okay then, i'm here if you need me."

"okay baby." jisung said with a smile.

as changbin hesitantly walked out of the room with a last glance, countless of thoughts soon invaded his mind. is jisung really okay? or is he just trying not to worry him? whatever it is, changbin couldn't shrug off the troubled thoughts.

neither could he just leave jisung alone like this. if only there was something he could do to cheer him up.

with such thoughts implanted in his head, changbin entered his room and dialled hyunjin. as he placed the phone next to his ear, he waited for the taller to answer which he always does. it wasn't until the call connected seconds later, changbin now sitting down on the bed.

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