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no matter how hard changbin tried to forget about last night, he just couldn't. how could he? when all this time, he'd been thinking nonstop about what jisung did. and the fact that he suddenly kissed him.

the only questions remained in his head were, since when did jisung feel this way? since when did he wanna kiss him? and how did changbin not realise all of that? 

maybe it was the fact that jisung had been hiding it well all this time, that made it difficult to spot. but now that changbin knows, what should he do next? how should he respond to jisung's abrupt confession?

the deeper changbin thought, the more he wanted to know. everything about jisung's hidden feelings for him. as well as wanting to know what to do now. when changbin himself doesn't know what he feels towards jisung anymore.

since all this time, he'd thought jisung as a father figure, as someone he admires and treasures. as someone important and close to him. but now, how can he see of him as a different light? 

whatever he feels, he needed to know how to ask jisung about it later on today, and how to approach it. about both his feelings in addition to changbin's thoughts of him. and what they can do next about it.

"changbin!" his deep thoughts were interrupted when he suddenly heard felix's voice, this making changbin turn around to meet his friend.

he was only greeted by felix and the others, a wide smile present on their face. "oh hey guys," changbin smiled at the sight of them. "there you guys are."

"how did you enjoy your birthday?" felix smirked while jumping over to wrap his arms around changbin. "did you have so much fun with your stepdad?"

this made changbin reminisce back to last night, unable to stop thinking about the kiss. how could he tell them that jisung literally kissed him? should he tell him? or keep it a secret for now?

"it was fun," changbin smiled, deciding to disregard the kiss for now. maybe it wasn't the best time, it's a matter that he and jisung should deal with themselves. "i mean, it was kind of sad that my mum couldn't make it but, it was to be expected."

he then continued. "i'm just glad hyung was able to be there, to celebrate it with me." he finally told them, truly thankful for everything jisung had done for him.

only smiling widely, hyunjin nodded. "well, you're finally 18 now! how does that feel?" 

"it feels great actually," changbin replied. "i feel more independent and free. without having to rely on them all the time."

"that's good." chan smiled.

"oh yeah, changbin." hyunjin suddenly called out, this making changbin turn around to face him. "are you, free after school?" 

"why?" changbin curiously asked.

before hyunjin could answer, felix only beat him to it. "we're planning on going shopping, if you wanna come too. unless, you wanna be at home and spend time with your stepdad." he smirked.

this made changbin slightly blush, not knowing what to choose. as much as he wanna go home and talk to jisung about it, he also wanted to spend after school with his friends. 

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