-CHAPTER 1- I am not King Grey

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// Grey POV //

"Are you up already?" My wife asked, noticing my slow yet noticeable movement as I tried to get out of my bed. I looked back at her, a smile—warm as the early morning sun—forming on face as I replied. "Yes, my love. Did you forget that I have to visit the old man jack's shop?"

My wife looked at me with her droopy eyes that couldn't hide the beauty behind those shining black jewels. "Ah yes, yes. I'm still amazed to see the old fellow running around like he just hit his 50's". Her eyes became distant with a look of amusement.

I softy chuckled. "That's true. Remember when he used to wake the whole orphanage up at 4am, even on Sundays!?"

My wife, Cecilia groaned. I'm sure she must be thinking back to our days in the orphanage, when Jack was chosen for the position of headmaster after Olivia's death.

I shook my head, trying to dismiss those thoughts, when I felt a kiss on my lips.

It was my wife, my lifelong friend, Cecilia who flung her arms around my neck, pulling me down for a passionate kiss.

8 years of marriage and we still have it!

I thought happily in my mind. "My love, I must leave. Old man will start to complain if I reach late. I don't want to listen to his constant yapping about how a king must always keep his word and be on time...".

"Kekeke. Yes, although that'd be a sight to see, for those children for sure". Cecilia giggled as she pushed herself against the bed.

I shook my head. "I'd rather not. So I shall leave right away". I gave a smile taking a look at my beautiful wife, her shining black hair, attractive eyes and sweet lips.

I'm really lucky to have this woman in my life. As my wife.

"Don't forget to kiss little Nico goodbye!" My wife added before I left the room. "Yes, certainly darling. Have a good day".

"You too honey. See you later". I heard Cecilia's voice as I walked away from our bedroom.

Had I known what was going to happen that day—I would've stopped right there and turned back to my bedroom, to my wife. And never leave her side.

But...fate works in a funny way.

Stopping right before the large door, I softly opened it, not wanting to make any sound that could wake my son up.

The sight of a small boy at the age of 5 was lying down on his bed, that was shaped like a small space shuttle. Taking light steps towards him, I let my gaze linger on his form, so peaceful and serene.

My son, Nico.

Suddenly the images of what that name—where it came from—the person to whom it belonged, came to my mind.

During the final fight for winning the kingship, I had neglected the warning of my dear best friend, Nico. While fighting Cecilia, she had almost died, trying to kill herself.

But thanks to my quick thinking, I was able to save her from death. In turn, she lost a large potion of ki pool, due to it being used to reform her damaged body, thus permanently depleting her ki reserves. This also meant that no longer was she valued by the enemy nations.

No longer was Cecilia "the Legacy".

It also meant that she had finally got cured of her lifelong ki problem. Giving her a chance to live with Nico.

A hard lump formed on my throat when the memories of Nico, his throat cut and bleeding came to my mind. Lady Vera had tried to kill Cecilia and me, just for the spite, to get back at us.

But when she learned the truth about who had really found the entire truth, it was obvious that it was my friend. Thus she tried to kill him too. And my friend wasn't as lucky as Cecilia and I were.

A soft touch on my hand, shook me out of those distant memories.

I looked down to see my son, who was named after my friend, our friend—my and Cecilia's—with a smile. "Hey little Nico, you're awake!"

He looked back at me, his hand rubbing at his dark brown eyes cutely. "Hey dad, you leaving already?" He asked in his cute childish voice, his sleepiness still evident.

I chuckled. "Yeah, but I will be back by evening".

"Don't forget to bring the gift grandpa Jack gave me!" Little Nico beamed, making sure I will not forget to bring back the supposed presents he was given.

That old man...always spoiling my kid. I thought, shaking my head inwardly.

"I won't. But you should go back to sleep now. Daddy has to leave". I kissed Nico's forehead, before ruffling his soft blond hair, a trait he has gotten from me.

"Okay dad. I love you!" Little Nico wrapped his tiny arms around my neck, giving a peck on my cheek.

After a deep inhale, I let my son go off my embrace. I knew I would see him soon, yet I started to miss him already.

Steeling myself, like how I did every single day I left my house, I stood up before turning away. "Behave yourself and don't make your mother angry. You know how scary she can get so don't come crying to me if that happens". I said finally to my son as I left.

"I will dad. Don't worry and get back soon for our fishing trip tomorrow!" I heard Nico's voice as I walked away from his bedroom.

"Sure buddy". I said out loud as a confirmation, while I decided something inwardly.

I guess it's about time I retire. I'm done being King Grey!

Author Notes: This will be a proper fic actually. I have a story in mind.

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