-CHAPTER 4- Alice Leywin

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So he doesn't know who I am...I thought as I followed the young man—Rey, to him home.

He was a cheerful young lad who had an air of friendliness and warmth all around him. But it couldn't mask away the dark aura that kept lingering around him.

It was sometime obvious in his face, especially when he talked about his wife and his village people.

Just what had happened to make his mood swing this badly? I thought in curiosity.

"Sir, I hope you are hungry". Rey said suddenly as he looked back at me as a wide grin formed on his bearded face. "Because my wife's cooking is the best in the entire village. No one can come close to the food she makes. You're going to be surprised! Hehehe"

Rey was cheery as usual ever since I met him. I shook my head in mild amusement at how much he seemed to talk about this wife of his.

Is she that good? Better than my Cecilia?

I immediately stopped—shaking my head as I cursed myself. I can't compare my wife with someone else's.

That's not nice.

"Welcome to the town of Ashber!"

Rey jeered just as we stepped out of the forest clearing as the view of civilisation came to our view.

It was nothing unlike what I had imagined. Though I didn't know what I expected, seeing how weird things have been ever since I somehow got teleported to this forest...

Yes, teleported, that's the only explanation I could give to myself to make sense of this weird situation, to put my mind at ease.

But boy oh boy, was it all just getting started!?!?!

// Alice Leywin POV //

I was going about my business, washing the clothes and drying them in the front yard of our humble house in the little town of Ashber.

My husband, Rey had bought this small piece of land right after our marriage. It has been three years since we had settled here.

What was once a house built with hope and dreams, shifted and crumbled into a desolate space filled with sorrow and pain when my baby, my new born son...died before he could breathe his first breath.

Tears filled my eyes, blurring my vision as I crumbled down to the floor. My knees were weak and my body tried, but none of those can be compared to the pain and agony I felt on the inside.

I wanted to die.

Finally see my dead child.

Meet him in the heavens.

Be with him.

"ARGHHHH" I wailed as my choked on my sobs, my trembling hands hitting at the ground, making the grass fly all around me.

My mind was in chaos. And now so was the front yard.

Between my wails of sobbing, I heard noise across our frontyard. I lifted my head up to notice that Rey was coming back home. I heaved a sigh of relief to see that he was alright.

My gaze shifted to another figure who was with Rey. It was a man who looked to be in his twenties or so, was walking alongside my husband.

I held my gaze on him, trying to remember if I have ever seen this man before in Ashber.

Ours was a little town and seldom new people travel around these parts. So it's such that everyone here sort of knows everyone else.

Seeing this unfamiliar face was odd.

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