-CHAPTER 16- Commander vs Solider

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Without any warning the elven commander moved.

His movements were nothing more than a blur—even in my heightened state, as I pushed the lighting mana to elevate my senses to an inhuman level. Soft *wizz* reached my ear as the commander's hand brushed past my cheek, barely an inch away.

Dodging back to the side, I quickly sliced my sword at his unguarded back. But he stepped forward, and disappeared again. A loud *thump* came and my breath got knocked out of my lungs, as I flew in the air and crashed against the ground, once again.

Damn it! I croaked inwardly, spitting down some mud.

Biting back my frustration, I pushed myself up. Looking inwardly I could feel the mana from the thunder hawk beast core slowly dwindling away with every second. But the rush of power I felt made me addicted as I sucked in more and more of it.

A soft whine escaped my mouth at that, as I shifted my focus back to my opponent.

With a forward thrust, I shot forth like a missile with my weapon at my side. The elven commander simply watched as I reached him, before he threw back his elbow and punched at my wrist holding the sword. His fist connected—redirecting my hand away. But I didn't mind as it was a feint hidden beneath my true strike. Sounds of pops and crackles broke into the battle-scape as my other hand coated with lighting—struck at his now open side. With mana heightening my speed and strength, the commander's body got knocked back as he tumbled to the ground, rising dust clouds in his wake.

A few seconds of reprieve overcame while the dust slowly settled, and his figure came back into view.

Coughing and grunting audibly as he sat on the ground, the commander's wild topaz eyes looked at me with...amusement.

Is he enjoying this...?

As if to answer to my thoughts, he let out an audible laugh which made me flinch. I couldn't believe this old elf. Being considered as an amalgamation of death itself—by the human warriors and mages—the commander of the elves sat on the ground and laughed like a little child in front of me.

Then, his laughter died down and he was on his feet. "That was a good one. I almost lost my consciousness. You have one more minute before my will runs out!"

Shouting that, he sprung forward.

His movements were even more agile as he clawed at my face with his sharp and wild claws like an angry beast. I dodged the first few of his attacks, before quickly bouncing back. Catching my breath and gripping my sword tightly, I lunged forward, my attention fully glued to his movements.

The world around me became a blur as I ducked, weaved and slashed at the deadly claws. Swiping at his torso and drawing a grunt, I stepped to his side before thrusting my blade's edge along his back.

He bent forward, letting my sword whizz past freely, but I followed it with a kick to his torso which he palmed with his fist. He then grabbed my knee and pushed me back—making me lose my balance.

As I hit the ground, I felt my core running out, and my body cringe with pain. My movements were becoming slow, and senses, dull. The rush wearing down as my body yearned for more of this otherworldly power.

I felt like a poor drug addict—only no matter how much I could beg, the mana won't lend me its power, until I paid a price for it.

Feeling my anger and frustration rise to the surface, I let out a ragged breath. Once again pushing the lighting to my limbs, I arched forward. Commander welcomed me with a swipe of his own which I parried away with the face of my blade. Following it with a swift cut at his shoulder, I got purchase as my blade plunged through his thick black coat of skin armour.

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