-CHAPTER 11- Times of war

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As we entered the bright, shimmering gate for teleportation, I was hit with goosebumps and panic. It was unlike anything I've felt—it even felt worse than what I had experienced when I was teleported to this world.

"It's beautiful isn't it?" Angela's crooning voice came from my side as I wordlessly nodded back. My senses were heightened as I looked around to take in the every small detail I could.

Despite learning about this...floating city named Xyrus, it still left me speechless seeing it with my own eyes. I had prided myself in the fact that I was from a world much more advanced than this current one. But...even in my old world, there weren't any technologies that could keep buildings afloat in the sky, let alone a whole city—hovering several hundred meters above the earth. Who built these seemingly impossible structures?!

It was truly marvellous, and breathtaking.

"Let's go guys. We need to check-in at the guild and ask about the current status of the war." Helen spoke out on behalf of the group who were all awestruck and half-lost just like me.

"R-Right." Reynolds stammered as he was broken out of his stupor. "I'll need to visit my friend first. Alice and Ellie are already tired, I don't want to drag them across the crowded city for naught."

No one interjected the previous party leader as it was true. Alice looked like she had aged a decade in this short couple of weeks of travel, while little Eleanor hadn't stopped crying for more than a few hours at stretch. They both needed to a long rest.

"Watch out!" A sharp yell tore through our party as a group of armed soldiers marched through the thoroughfare. It took me a moment to notice just how much different—how much crowded the Xyrus city was, compared to the small town of Ashber. Majority of the crowd seemed to be armoured knights and mages, several robed healers and conjurers kept stalls at the open ends of the fare watching and conversing through the happenings.

"Do you think we'll be able to get to the guildhall through all this?" Angela voiced her concern as more and more mages and soldiers walked in perfect line as they marched across the city, leaving no space for the civilians to walk freely. Large queue started to form, several of them shouting and cursing at being treated unfairly.

All-in-all, the city looked livelier with a subtle hint of war brewing underneath its belly.

"All right. Let's go with Reynolds for now. After making sure Alice and Eleanor are safe and secure, we'll make our way to the guild. Everyone understand?" Helen's authoritative voice bellowed through the murmurs and shouting of the crowds as they watched the soldiers walk through.

"Yes, ma'am!" Adam mock saluted as he turned his gaze away from a random passerby woman—back to our group with a satisfied grin. "Ouch!" He yelped in pain as Jasmine hit the back of his head sharply.

"Keep your eyes off where it shouldn't belong." Jasmine's unnaturally faint voice reached my ears almost clearly, despite the bustling around. "Fine! Hmph." Adam grunted as he rubbed his head before stomping forward, following Reynolds and everyone.

I took a mental note: to not make an enemy out of Jasmine. And to keep my eyes off of where it shouldn't belong. She really looked scary.

As if hearing my inner thoughts, Jasmine's eyes met mine. We both held it for a few seconds before she averted her eyes. Her face looked solemn, almost melancholic.

Is she okay? What's wrong with her? I wondered.

"Let's gooo." Angela's excited voice came right next to me as she pulled me by my arm. Helen simply smiled as she eyed at the blonde woman and then at me.

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