-CHAPTER 6- A problem and a solution.

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"You're the best swordsman I've ever fought with!" Rey wheezed out as his blade buzzed through the air aiming for my left shoulder. It stopped with a sharp clang as I parried it with my own metal, before kicking my host's torso with my right knee. Rey let out a horse chuckle, his face sweating profusely as he stammered back, putting more distance between us.

"I see you're not much talkative while fighting" Rey's eyes became sharp as his smile turned into a concentrated frown.

"Do it" I said. "Use your fire".

Rey had been simply using mana to cover himself in a thick layer, as I used to do with my ki. He hadn't used his fire magic, which is essentially one of the four basic elemental mana types- that a human mage is capable of wielding.

"You asked for it!" Rey grumbled, as a sudden tension rose up in the atmosphere, around his figure...his own mana interacting with the mana from the surrounding, I said to myself as a reminder to how the mana manipulation works in this world.

Mana was more complex than ki. It was more than just an energy, I understood that very clearly.

Fire came into life, coating my host's long sword in a orange-red flame as it danced around. Then, he moved, the fire whizzing through the air like a deadly snake aiming its prey.

Metal clashing against metal as my sword stopped his mid-way, the fire blazing with a raging fury, threatening to leap out of his sword, to touch my life, take away my soul.

But that's not possible is it? Not for Rey atleast. He wasn't able to shoot out any elemental mana, just use it with his body...much alike ki.

He was an augmenter.

"I'm still intrigued by your fire, Rey" I smirked, watching the young lad grit his teeth in frustration. "Arghhhh" he screamed, spinning on his heels as he pulled his sword back before bringing it down in a vertical slash. This gave an opening as I thrusted my sword at his front hoping to get a hit or two. But, surprisingly, the young man used his left hand as he brought it in front of my face, outwardly, as a burst of fire erupted from his palms.


I cursed out of loud, stumbling back as I lost my footing. My eyes opened wide when I noticed the incoming slash to my head. Bringing my sword upfront, I pushed myself to side with a thrust. Rey's sword clashed against mine, his covered in fire and mana, while I was using my raw strength.

If only I could use magic. Dammit!

I cursed again at my own inability. I had tried to meditate, to feel the mana particles around me, to find a way to create a core—using all the methods shown to awake as a mage. But I couldn't... So much potential in this world, but all for what? If I'm not able to learn to use mana then I might as well give up my life. I'm useless like this.

"I told you to be mindful about my fire" Rey commented, catching his breath as he stopped fighting. "I may not be able to use mana like a conjurer but I might be able to do it soon. I'm about to enter solid red stage"

His words brought back the information I had learned—the information I had forgotten to consider—while fighting Rey.

Although there is a definite difference between how mana is used by an augmenter and a conjurer, the gap visibly lessen as one proceeds to further purify their mana core and enter higher stages. It also helps if the mage continues to train on the other type.

Augmenters and Conjurers will eventually be able to do both. With time and effort.

"Yeah...my bad" I breathed out, dusting my pants as I stood up from the ground. "Honey". Alice's voice suddenly cut in. Rey and I both turned to the house to see the woman standing there with a ladle in hand. "Haven't you men trained enough for the day? It's getting dark, and the dinner is ready".

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