-CHAPTER 5- A new world. A new life.

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// Arthur (Grey) POV //

A world filled with magic, monsters and mages. Yet undeveloped in ways that perplexed me to a vast degree.

No cars. No cellphones. No Internet. Hell, there's no electricity!

But...magic seemed to almost fill up all those technological voids. Almost... I heaved a huge sigh as I recollected the information that I learned about the basics of magic system, all thanks to Rey. He looked at me weirdly at first, but he stopped himself from questioning me further about my lack of basic knowledge.

It seems like magic is a daily part of the people's life. Commoners included.

Magic or mana, seems to be filled in the atmosphere, all around the world. It was surprising to know this fact, after all in my home world, ki existed only inside the human's body.

Does this mean, the size of the storage doesn't mean as much as it did in my old life? It was a thrilling thought, something I wanted to know in-depth.

Why am I accepting all these things so easily? I should be more skeptical and worried, to see my life being changed upside down. After all who wouldn't be when they are shown things like magic and monsters exist...

It was all because when I tried to introduce myself, my name as Grey, a voice inside my head stopped me. As much as I didn't want to believe in it, the voice sounded very familiar, a voice that I fully trusted.

Voice of my headmaster, the man who was responsible for my situation, Jack.

"Hey Grey. Can you hear me? I'm sure you can, because it's pretty funny to see that look of confusion and shock on your face fufufu. Anyways this isn't the time for jokes as I don't have much time, so I'll tell you the basics of what you need to know, till I talk to you again". The voice, or rather...Jack said, oddly inside my head.

It was as weird—unbelievable, to hear someone else's voice inside my head.

The voice continued, while I tried to keep a straight face in front of the two people that I have met in this new world. "You said you do not want to be a King anymore. And now you have a chance to be someone else. Someone who is no longer controlled by others, one who is no longer burdened by his fellow countrymen. If this is something you would feel like you may want, then be someone else other than King Grey".

"W-What? You're not serious right? Jack or whoever you are! Stop playing this game and send me back to my family. I want to see my wife and son!" I yelled inside my head or spoke, I wasn't sure.

Somehow the voice gave a reply, which sent a shiver down my spine. Just who is this powerful to do all this?! "Huhuhu. I'm sorry that's not possible Grey. You said you wanted a break from your life, and well...now you have it! Now stop whining like little Nico and do as I say. Introduce yourself as...Arthur".

I gritted my teeth unable to show my frustration to whoever this being was—that was toying with my emotions and my life. "Fine! But...why Arthur? Isn't Arthur essentially a King? I thought you didn't want me to a king anymore..."

The voice seemed to be thoughtful for a few seconds before I heard it speak in my mind again. "That is true. And I never said you shouldn't be a king. It was you who no longer wanted to be a king. And as I've already said, it is up to you to be whoever you want to be and do whatever you want during this short break...I won't restrict you".

"May I know how long this break will be? When will I see my family again?" I asked impatiently.

The voice gave a teasing smirk, or that's what I felt. "That depends on you. But mind you, this world that you're in, it is not a fantasy land as you've deemed it be. These are real people, with real life. Keep that in mind as you travel in your journey".

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