-CHAPTER 2- Finally free

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It took more than 45 mins to reach the outskirts of the city, where the town in which the new orphanage was located. I reached the small shop that was newly set up, next to the orphanage.

"Jack's potions and otherworldly items"

That—is a weird name for a shop. What is the old geezer thinking?! I sighed in exasperation before flinging the door open.

"Ah please welco—" a old man in red shirt and blue jeans stopped his speech midway when he noticed my figure. His smile widening as his eyes started to glisten. "Grey, my boy! You're finally here!"

I mirrored his smile as my stance softened. "Hey old man. Did you dye your hair and beard? You look 20 years younger" I chuckled.

Jack pulled me in a bear hug, his hard yet wrinkly hands patting my back. The scent of his wafted off to me, reminding me of our good old days at the orphanage, which made my eyes teary.

"How're you, my boy? How is the kingship treating you? You know you can ask for help, right?" Jack let out a series of questions, his hands holding my shoulders after we broke out hug as his old eyes studied me inch by inch, all while his smile never left his face.

I shook my head and chuckled. "Same old. Same old. Where are the kids though?"

"Ah, those little monsters are back in the orphanage. You know how they are, always running and throwing whatever their little hands can hold on to. I will have to close shop if I let any of them inside here hahaha"

"Can't say I don't understand that. You must see little Nico, he's already five, yet he still won't stop hoarding boxes and boxes of toys everytime his mother take him shopping".

Jack laughed as he patted my shoulder. "Now you know what I had to deal with. And I still do!" He paused as he walked back to the counter and took a large rectangular box. "That reminds me...here, the gift I got for my little grandson". He said as he handed the package to me.

It was heavy and big, which made me doubt its contents.

"You're spoiling your grandson too much. I'm sure the kids back here at the orphanage will find better use for this gif—"

"No don't say that" Jack shook his head repeatedly. His eyes then fixed on mine, showing a mixture of emotions. But his smirk never left his face. "You've done more than anyone had ever done to my orphanage. Without you, I would've been forced to shut it down. And the kids—"

"It was my duty" I cut off my once headmaster who was the closest that I had and still have as a father figure. I held his hands inside mine. "Without you, there wouldn't be a king Grey. Whatever I have done and can do, will never amount to the kindness you've shown me and all the other kids".

Tears rolled down Jack's face, which I hoped was out of joy. It made my heart flutter.

"Come on. Let the children meet their king". Jack said, patting my back as he turned towards the exit.

"Ofcourse. But I'm not sure how much longer I will the king". I replied nonchalantly as I started walking away while taking a look at the new shop once again. But I stopped when I noticed that the old man had halted his footsteps and looking at me with wide eyes.

"Boy, do you feel old already? Look at me, still running around like I'm in my 20s. While a young lad like you already want to retire? What's gotten into you, to make you take such a decision?" Jack looked at me questioningly.

I flinched, suddenly feeling nervous under my headmaster's gaze. He made me realise how intimidating parents can be at times when their children do something naughty. Or get caught. Now I was feeling like I somehow got stuck in such a moment.

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