-CHAPTER 20- Mysteries of Mana Arts I

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"This must be it."

Sylvia's voice echoed inside the cave tunnel as we walked hand-in-hand. I turned my attention from the walls that were etched with weird symbols—somewhat similar to the ones I saw on Sylvia's skin—to look back to her figure walking next to me.

"What do you mean? I thought we were going to your lair." I asked in a sudden confusion, hearing her describe this place as if this was the first time she was here.

Her glowing lavender eyes shifted from the narrow pathway, back to me as they squinted playfully. "I pondered about that idea. And I thought it would be prudent for us to come here directly."

As she said that, the cave tunnel finally came to an end, and a large open area greeted us.

The view... It was not what I had imagined it would be.

Several buildings and other structures were lying in the ruins, some half-crumbled, cracked in blocks and stones, broken up by meandering tree roots. Caved-in roofs were evident in many of the structures, which were weighed down by veins or other foliages. Some of the buildings were seen to be made by a different material other than the native stone rocks underneath which...this city, was built in.

"What is this place?" I asked in wonderment as my eyes took in every little detail of this hidden city beneath the Grand Mountains. "It looks so...ancient—and empty."

"It is." Sylvia's voice came quickly. "And it once belonged to a race of species who walked the continent that you humans do now."

My head snapped to her direction at her words. "O-Other race? So its not built by the humans?"

Sylvia nodded at my question as she tucked the medallion inside her robes. "Yes."

"So...what happened to them? How did they die? And who were they?" I asked in a tensed curiosity, knowing whatever the story was, it won't be pleasant.

Sylvia finally let go of my hand as she calmly walked a few steps forward before beckoning me to follow her. "They could be considered as the predecessors of the humans. The ones who were more advanced and very knowledgeable than even the most bright minds of today's world." She gave me a side long glance before turning away, as her face showed...guilt and shame. "A sad fate came upon them as they walked into their own extinction."

"That's...unfortunate." My voice came with a rare hint of melancholy.

I turned my eyes from Sylvia's guilt stricken face, back to watch the empty buildings that surrounded us.

"But what are we doing here then? I hope we're not here to rob their graves or something."

A thin smile crept up my face as Sylvia let out a chuckle. It was short, and bitter.

"No, not yet atleast. You need to be much stronger to even think about doing that. And that is why we're here."

My brows furrowed as confusion rose. I looked back at her questioningly. "I don't understand. How will this place help me get stronger? And what about my core...?"

Sylvia walked past a larger-than-life, faceless stone statue facing a large towering spire that was filled with inscriptions and carvings in stone. Again, the drawings looked very familiar, very Sylvia-alike.

"It's not the place that will help you. It's that this place will shield us from the outside world while we help you."

I dragged my gaze away from the mysterious structure, to look at Sylvia. "I'm sorry. We? Is someone going to join us?"

"Mhmm. She will. You'll see." Sylvia nodded in affirmation as she looked around searching for something. Soon, her eyes gained clarity as she continued to walk. "For now, I want to teach you everything you need to know about mana arts."

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