-CHAPTER 15- Life in wartime

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"Great job, everyone! All the remaining squads can head back to the camp with their sergeants. Help your fellow soldiers if they are injured. Medical tents are all cleaned up for the arrival of fresh batches. Be sure not to leave any weapons or personnel behind." Lieutenant Glory hollered from the stone dais set under the teleportation gate. The opalescent light blurring around her well-toned figure as she shouted out orders.

It had been over three weeks since we had started fighting the elves behind the Grand Mountains.

War had always been a sour topic in both the worlds I lived in. While I have a considerable experience in dealing with the stress and anxiety, I couldn't say the same for the others.

Jasmine walked close to me, her face cold and stoic. The spattered blood on her face gave her a fierce look of a warrior, as she confidently strode towards our camp.


I heard a shout from the side. Jasmine and I both twisted our heads to the side, as Glory's figure approached our path. She trudged closer to us with a smile, much unlike the look she had when she mercilessly slaughtered more than 50 elven warriors and conjurers with her twin blades about a hour ago.

She stopped before us, her eyes darting to both our faces before it set on me. Then, her smile widened.

"Lieutenant Glory." I greeted her with a salute. She shook her head, eyeing me with a subtle smirk. "At ease, soldier. I'm here on a personal visit."

I sighed as my shoulders slumped in a shrug. She tucked away the lock of her dark hair behind her ears as she spoke. "Hey, are you um...free tonight? Think you can meet me in my tent?"

I glanced at Jasmine who was standing silently at my side. Then, turning back to Glory, I simply smiled. "Sorry, Glory. I promised everyone that we'll come back on time. They must be waiting for us already. Perhaps, another time?"

Glory's face turned into one of disappointment, but she quickly hid it. Quirking up a thin smile she leaned forward. "Okay fine. I guess I'll be having my dinner alone, again."

I felt a tinge of regret rising under my nerves.

Glory and I have been spending some time together after our battles. We had already eaten a few times together, albeit inside her tent where she practically lived. She was a great listener and a vivid talker. Despite having lived two worlds apart, literally, we still had the opportunity to share some stories and memories with each other.

"Yeah...sorry. But I promise I'll join you this weekend. I'll be getting my time off soon, so if you're free then we could meet up."

She nodded her head slightly. "All right, deal. I'll be going now. Catch you later!" Leaning close to me, she kissed my cheek—a routine she'd been doing, a routine I've been getting used to.

With that, she was off.

"You two seem to be getting closer." I heard Jasmine comment from my side. Her tone was slightly high pitched. But to my surprise, she had been trying to express herself more openly than before, with my help, she says. Though I didn't do anything, other than sticking close to her except for whenever we were fighting or my time with Glory.

"She's a good person. I like listening to her old stories."

Jasmine titled her head and looked at me curiously. Her cheeks twitched and her lips parted and close several times—as if she was trying to say something but couldn't.

"What?" I asked while holding our gaze.

She let out a subtle breath before shaking her head from side-to-side. "Nothing. Let's just go."

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