-CHAPTER 8- Old friends and new beginnings

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// Arthur (Grey) POV //

"Hahaha. Hey everyone. It's great to see you all again. Come on in". Rey spoke cheerfully as five people entered the house.

"Alice!!!" A blonde haired woman ran across the room taking Alice into a bear hug. "You look amazing!"

"Hey Rey. You're as fit as you've been during our adventurer days". A black haired slim woman with a bow on her side smiled at Reylonds, patting him on his shoulders. "Yeah I train harder than I used to, if you believe me. Hahaha" Rey laughed, scratching the back of his neck.

"Oh my god!!!" Suddenly the blond and black haired women squealed in unison. The blond haired woman, who I figured to be Angela Rose, lifted little Eleanor in her hands and buried her deep inside her unnaturally big bosoms. "Oh myyy look at this little cutie! She looks just like you Alice!"

She practically screamed, while I felt bad for the baby.

Though she was right. Eleanor looked just like her mother. Beautiful and eye-catching.

"Hey there, Rey! Are you sad that you couldn't have a baby boy?" Suddenly a rough voice spoke. I turned around to see a young man with flaming red hair and a perpetually smiling face hit Reynolds in his chest softly.

I could see my hosts face darken a little before going back. I could understand what that was since I had learned about Reynolds and Alice's unborn baby's demise. Though it seems like this little group, who were the infamous Twin Horns, the ex-party of Rey's.

"Oh who do we have here?" The red head man, who I figured to be the one named Adam Krensh asked as he pointed his fingers at me. "Alice, don't tell me you got a second husband. Hahaha" he laughed while hugging his stomach.

A hit came out of nowhere as Adam stumbled on his feet as he crashed against the wall, comically. My eyes brows rose in amusement as I watched a man—no, it's unwise to call him simply a man—he looked like a giant. "Watch your mouth Adam. You cannot run it as you want with strangers. Especially the ones who look to be Reylond's friends".

"Ah Durden! It's good to see you as well. Come on in! And Adam, you deserve that hit!" Reynolds laughed at Adam while others followed. Looked like he was the laughing stock of this little group. Amidst all the laughing and squabbling, I noticed a lone figure in all-black standing near the entrance of the house.

What surprised me was that her piercing scarlet eyes seemed to be fixed on...me. I mustered up a quick smile as I returned the gaze at our silent guest, the one who is named Jasmine Flamesworth, the youngest of the Twin Horn's group.

Just as I smiled, she quickly averted her gaze, turning away from my sight. I silently chuckled, feeling quite amused and entertained at seeing this...group, behaving like a long lost family finally coming together.

After the initial greetings and conversations died down, Rey asked everyone to gather around the dining table. It was already evening, reaching nightfall so Alice and the other ladies went to the kitchen fo make dinner for everyone.

"Rey, I believe you haven't introduce us to your guest" the giant named Durden spoke up, his voice a complete opposite to his dominating physique. Soft and gentle. "Ah! Yeah I guess I forgot!" Rey exclaimed shooting out of his seat. "Everyone, meet Arthur. He is from a small town nearby who I met in the forest while fighting a mana beast. He ended up saving my life and then started living with us".

Rey introduced me with a few additional background information about me...which I made-up so that his party won't keep questioning my origin or family name.

"Ah. Is that so? Well, nice to meet you there". Durden said with a smile as his eyes narrowed into two slits as he gazed at me softly. "Thank you" I said, giving him a nod. "I'm honoured to finally meet Rey's ex-party members. He talks a lot about you people". I added with a smile.

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