-CHAPTER 3- Teleportation?

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The panic filled shouts and chorus of other councilmen died down as the bright light started to fade away.

I sighed in relief, feeling that nothing has changed with me and that I was not hurt in any way by the sudden light.

But...the short elation I felt, died down, when I looked around my surroundings.

What was supposed to be a room, closed and constricted with white walls and ceilings, now was replaced with green...everywhere.



L-Lots of trees...!

A-A forest!?

What the hell???


Where am I?

My panic rose up to unimaginable level. I was no longer inside the councils meeting room. And worse, I was alone. I couldn't see any other councilmen who were with me, here.

Only forest trees and silence.

Did those bastards in the council do something to me?!

No...that's impossible. Those incompetent fools...

Then I realised something! I looked down at my hand, my palm, to see, to check the item that had caused the unnatural light to go off.

But...the item was no longer in my hand, I realised. Worry and panic filled my entire body. Worried that I won't be able to see my family again. Panic that there might not be any way to go back, not without the item.

Jack, what the hell did you?!

Taking deep breaths, I tried to calm myself down. And that's when I heard that...sound.

A deep rumbling from the farthest side of the forest cover. My attention turned to the side as the trees started to ruffle and the leaves fell.

The ground shook as several trees splintered, broke. I took a step back, instinctively, understanding that whatever it was, must be really strong to tear apart century old trees like they're nothing.

I heaved a sigh of relief seeing that this was inside a forest, though an unfamiliar one at that. Not lingering on that thought any further, I turned around and started to sprint, gaining distance from the site. As I was running away in haste, I heard something unbelievable.

A sound of a scream. A human scream.

I stopped, my footsteps coming to an halt. I snapped my head back, looking at the scenery far away from me. Though I couldn't see anything clearly I could see...smokes and sounds of cry and wails.

Curiosity got the better of me, and my responsibility as a king, though no more, was fresh and raging to go. Giving in to that sensation, I walked forward before quickening my pace.

Dodging the trees left and right, I neared the site where the trees were uprooted and some on fire and some even had cut marks...made from a sword.

My heart started beating faster in anticipation as I reached the heart of the scene. I froze, my eyes wide and my body unable to even take an inch at what I saw next.

A wolf with dark brown fur, it's sharp fangs jutted out and its eyes had a look of rage and thirst. It wasn't the features of the wolf that made me freeze...it was its humungous size.

At around 15 feet in height, this wolf could very well be the biggest ever seen by any human in this world.

The wolf howled, its left front leg was damaged with deep burnt marks running across it, deep enough for bones to be visible.

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