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felix and hyunjin went back to the apartment since they didn't have classes for at least another hour. hyunjin is still visibly upset and very discouraged. the only person who can give him useful advice and make him feel better when he's truly upset is minho.

"hey you two, how was class?" minho asks from the kitchen, he notices no one answers so he walks into the living room to see an upset hyunjin.

"what happened jinnie?" he sits on the couch and strokes hyunjin's hair.

"i'm sorry i've been so emotional lately, it's just seungmin as usual." hyunjin apologies.

"no no jinnie don't apologize, you're allowed to show your emotions. it's a hard situation for your strong feelings to not be reciprocated but you're strong. it'll hurt like hell for now, but you'll feel better after. you could maybe keep to yourself around him to see if anything changes." minho reassures and suggests.

"you're right, thank you hyung. i might try that and i kind of want to be by myself for now." hyunjin says.

minho gives him an empathetic look and nods. hyunjin gets up to hug minho and felix. after he says goodbye, he heads to his room for alone time.

"i really hate when he's upset." felix tells minho.

"me too, but he just needs space right now." minho replies.

"how are you feeling about changbin?" minho asks felix.

"well nothing's changed, he's still cold and unresponsive." felix sighs.

"i think you just need to wait it out or maybe give him some space as well? you know absence makes the heart grow fonder." minho suggests and felix stays silent.

"i guess so hyung, maybe it is better if i give him space." felix says with a sad expression.

"don't be too sad lix, just try and focus on yourself." minho advises and brings felix in for a hug. felix nods sadly then dismisses himself to his room.

minho feels as though he needs to take his own advice in a way. on the other hand, he feels like him and jisung are getting closer and wants to continue that.

since it's fairly late now, minho goes to his room and shuts down for the night.


the next morning felix has a couple of classes and decides to take minho's advice.

felix walks into a class he has with changbin but he doesn't sit by him. he sits at a seat furthest from changbin and closest by the door.

changbin notices felix's seating change and that he hasn't greeted him like usual. he wants to say something to felix, he actually wants to go over and asks what's wrong, but he knows it isn't his place.

throughout class, it's hard for changbin to focus on anything but felix and he keeps glancing in his direction. he made eye contact once and for the rest of the class, felix never looked in changbin's direction again.

after class, changbin debates on whether or not he wants to pull felix for a chat.

"hey felix, wait up." changbin calls as class ends.

felix was shocked that changbin willingly wanted to talk.

"yes changbin?" felix says without the usual affection and of course changbin notices.

"well, i was just wondering if you were alright." changbin watches felix's reaction and hopes for a clear answer.

"yes i'm alright, why do you ask?" felix questions but on the inside he's content that changbin seems to care now.

"oh, because you didn't sit with me today nor did you talk to me like usual." changbin says and felix is really surprised.

"well when i usually sit with you and speak to you, you always give me the cold shoulder so i figured why not give you space." felix says and changbin feels so bad about how he usually treats felix.

"what if i don't want space?" changbin mutters quietly so that felix doesn't hear him.

"did you say something?" felix asks.

"oh no i didn't, i gotta go." changbin says and hurries away.

felix just stands there trying to process everything that just happened. from changbin caring that he didn't sit with him to the point where changbin was acting suspicious and ran away.



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