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felix waited patiently for changbin to finish his shower. he was thinking nervously and to take his mind away from his thoughts, he decided to observe the living room. he walked around to see the beautiful art and cozy decor. he hears a door open and just assumed it was chan or jeongin coming out,

"hey lix, sorry to keep you waiting." felix' heartbeat quickened at the sound of the familiar voice and soon accelerates when he sees the other's outfit.

changbin has on a tight black compression shirt, accentuating his muscles paired with black shorts. felix goes silent and can't stop admiring him, earning a chuckle from changbin.

"my eyes are up here lix." changbin teases and felix blushes.

"hi bin, sorry i got kind of distracted." felix rubs the back of his neck shyly.

"all good lix, do you want to talk or watch something?" changbin suggests not knowing what felix is in the mood for.

"hmm i think talking would be good." felix replies and they both sit on the couch.

"what's on your mind?" changbin asks as the pair both get completely comfortable.

"i was just wondering what made you have a change of heart? you were always dismissive towards me so what changed?" felix waits for changbin to answer.

"i finally realized that me being dismissive and cold towards you was how i hid my feelings. i thought if i pushed you away, the feelings would disburse but they only got stronger. you were very persistent and sweet and that only made me more fond of you." changbin confesses and lets out a deep exhale.

felix' heart was beating rapidly as he tried to process everything. changbin really liked him, the guy he's been crushing on for so long reciprocates his feelings. he was truly overjoyed.

"i'm so happy you feel this way, i know that i was probably being annoying and overly persistent at times but i just really like you. i like how smart you are, in every class we're in the professor always praises your work and how organized you are. i like seeing how you interact with friends. you're just a really kind person and i wanted to experience your kindness." felix wanted to lay everything on the table, truly communicating to changbin how he felt towards him.

changbin felt so warm, he felt so seen. no one has noticed or complimented his work ethic and organization. it's especially nice to hear that from someone he's grew so fond of.

"lix you were never annoying i just didn't know how to come to terms with how i felt. also thank you for those kind words it means the world to hear those from you. i could say the same about you, you're a very kind, sweet and all around beautiful person." changbin moves closer to felix and gently pulls him closer by his waist.

"thank you binnie, that means a lot as well." felix snuggles into changbin's embrace and changbin smiles at the nickname.


hours pass and the pair have deepened their cuddle positions, enjoying the warmth and company of each other.

"channie c'mere, you have to see this." jeongin whisper yells as he walks into the living room later that night. chan rushes to see what jeongin is seeing and coos at the view.

"they look so adorable i guess the talking went well, should i take a picture?" chan giggles pulling out his phone and jeongin nods eagerly wanting to capture this beautiful moment of their friends.


the next morning comes and the two are still wrapped up together, now under a blanket; thanks to their friends.

felix began to stir as the sun peaked through the living room windows. as he wakes up and becomes more aware of his surroundings, he realizes that he's still at changbin's place; and laying on top of him for that matter. he felt a surge of warmth pass through him and he began to smile fondly at changbin. he began stroking his face and listening to his breathing. changbin started to wake up from felix' warm touch and looked at him with a lot of love.

"goodmorning lix." changbin's morning voice began to shine through as he stroked felix' back.

"goodmorning binnie, sorry i didn't realize we fell asleep. didn't mean to over stay my welcome." felix says with a slight pout.

"you have zero reason to be sorry lix, we both fell asleep and you are always welcome here no matter what and no matter how long." changbin smiles fondly and strokes felix' cheek.

"thank you binnie." felix smiles and leans into the touch.

changbin smiles back and checks his phone for the time and it's almost time for his first morning class. he doesn't want to be apart from felix but knows he has to, at least for a little while.

"hey lix, as much as i don't want to be apart, my first morning class starts pretty soon." changbin frowns and felix chuckles at the reaction.

"it's okay binnie, we'll see each other later today if you'd like?" felix suggests and changbin nods.

"i would love that and i really enjoyed your company lix." changbin says as the two get up and head for the door.

"i enjoyed yours just as much binnie." felix says and the two go in for a deep hug.

"can i kiss you?" changbin asks as they pull apart and felix nods.

changbin brings his hand up to felix freckled cheek and brings his lips slowly to his. felix held changbin's bicep as the kiss progressed. it felt like time stopped and they were in their own little world. their feelings growing as each second passes.



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⏰ Last updated: Nov 04, 2023 ⏰

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