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felix hurries back to the apartment as he can't wait to share the news. when he unlocks the door, he sees chan and jeongin sitting on the couch cuddling.

"innie, innie!" felix squeals, barely being able to contain his excitement.

the couple unlatches from each other and both turn around quickly.

"yes lixie, are you alright?!" jeongin replies.

"i'm more than alright! me and changbin exchanged numbers and he was flirting with me!" felix yells out of excitement.

"about time changbin gave you the time of day, after all this time." chan chimes in and felix nods.

chan and jeongin share a content look because they've been waiting for their friends to make progress. well mainly for changbin to realize his budding feelings for felix.

"that's really great lixie, will you text him later?" jeongin asks and felix nods eagerly.

"yep, but i don't want to seem too eager, even though i am." felix giggles.

"don't overthink about that, text him whenever you feel the time is right and i'm sure he'll be happy to get a text from you." chan advises and jeongin smiles at his boyfriend helping out his bestfriend.

"you're right, thank you chan." felix says and dismisses himself to his room.


"that was really sweet of you to say channie." jeongin latches back onto chan and chan gladly wraps his arms around his lover's waist.

"i try, i try." chan chuckles and jeongin pulls him in for a deep peck.


felix debates on whether to text changbin now or to wait until night falls. he wracks his brain over this because now that changbin willingly wants to talk with him, he really doesn't want to mess it up by seeming too eager.


felix jumps slightly at the sound as he was deep in his thoughts. he quickly grabs his phone and his eyes light up.

changbin hyung <3
hi lix, it's changbin :)

felix squeals upon seeing the text from his crush. he didn't think changbin would text him first but is excited nonetheless.

lix :)
hi hyung! i was just thinking about texting you :)

changbin's heart flutters when he sees felix text back so quickly. little does felix know, changbin had been overthinking just as much as he had.

changbin hyung <3
so what are you up to lix?

lix :)
just laying in bed, texting you :)
what are you up to?

changbin hyung <3
basically the same thing
do you want to hang out later?

lix :)
of course i would! where would you like to meet?

changbin hyung <3
would it be alright if you came to my apartment?

felix hurriedly grabs a pillow and squeals to the top of lungs in it. he couldn't believe that changbin just invited him over when just weeks ago, he was cold.

lix :)
yes i'd love to!

changbin hyung <3
great! i'll send you all the details. see you in a bit lix :)

lix :)
see you then hyung <3


right after their conversation felix hops up to go freshen up. felix decides to put on a long sleeved shirt that hugs his waist, a comfortable pair of sweatpants and a pair of high top converse. felix leaves out of his room and walks into the living room.

"well don't you look nice and comfy." minho says and felix does a twirl.

"thank you hyung, i'm going to changbin's!" felix reveals and minho's eyes widen.

"wait you are?, since when?!" minho asks excitedly, he had no idea that the two had progressed this much.

"since this morning!, we talked and flirted earlier when i was in the courtyard and we eventually exchanged numbers. he texted me and invited me over about 2 hours ago." felix smiles brightly as he explains and minho smiles back.

"i'm so excited for you lix!, you've finally made progress but be cautious. i don't want you getting hurt." minho advises and felix frowns slightly.

"thank you hyung and i will."

felix hugs minho quickly and walks out the door and down to his car. he briefly checks his texts to see changbin's address. he turns on the gps and drives for about 20 minutes.

felix parks, gets out of his car nervously and heads toward the apartment lobby. he enters the code changbin texted and heads up the elevator to the apartment.

he gets off the elevator and slowly walks to the apartment; 325. he knocks on the door and chan answers the door.

"oh hey felix! here for changbin?"

felix nods and smiles as chan motions him in the door.

"bin took a nap earlier and lost track of time so he's showering right now. he shouldn't be long so make yourself at home."

chan explains and smiles as he goes back to his room. felix chuckles at the idea of changbin napping but can't wait to spend time with him.



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