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felix is still stunned by what just happened with changbin, so he immediately texts minho to meet him in a lounge area.

"hey lix, what's the emergency?" minho asks as they get seated.

"well i took your advice and gave changbin space." lix replies.

"and how did that go?" minho asks.

"i think you were right because when i gave him space, he was worried about me and actually came and spoke to me first after class." felix explains.

"really? that's good lix! this is what needed to happen, he needed to see what was right in front of his eyes." minho replies.

"yeah it felt nice for him to actually sound worried and care." felix smiles shyly.

"so do you think you're gonna continue to give him space or possibly just pursue him even more?" minho asks.

"i don't know hyung, i think i'll just go with the flow."  felix replies and minho nods. after talking for a bit longer, the two part ways.

felix decides to get some lunch by himself and eat in the open yard area. after he finishes up, he lays back on the grass and closes his eyes. the weather isn't too warm nor too chilly. there's a nice crisp breeze that makes felix feel a sense of calmness, he's at peace. felix tunes out the noises around him and just relaxes.

changbin, who recently finished one of his classes, sees felix lying on the grass. he felt a quick panic, until he saw felix shifting a bit. he sighs out of relief and walks quietly over to felix. he stands almost right above him and just admires the blond. his small pink lips, his distinctive freckles and his long eyelashes. felix almost always has changbin in a trance. he decides to snap out of it and call out to felix.

"hey felix?"

changbin whispers so he won't startle the younger too much. felix jumps slightly and looks up at changbin. they lock eyes and time feels like it paused for the both. a blush spreads across both of their faces as they break eye contact.

felix tries to gets up quickly and changbin chuckles, holding his hand out for felix to grasp. felix grabs changbin's hand hesitantly and changbin helps the blond up. their hands linger for a second before they both slowly pull away. changbin signals felix to sit with him on a nearby bench and they do so.

"hi changbin hyung, did you need anything?" felix asks politely, after getting the courage to respond back.

"well i was coming from class and saw you lying down and i might've been a bit worried because you weren't moving much." changbin confesses and rubs the back of his neck nervously.

"you were worried about me?" felix's face reddens as he looks down at his lap.

"well yeah, i worry about you and i've been thinking about you alot lately felix." changbin reveals and inches closer to felix. changbin brushes felix's long hair from his face, causing them to lock eyes again. he wants to kiss felix but doesn't want to overstep his boundaries.

"you're gorgeous." changbin says as he strokes felix's face with his thumb. 

felix smiles contently and leans into changbin's touch. changbin takes the liberty of kissing felix's forehead longingly.

"i'd like to talk to you much more felix, would you like that as well?" changbin asks.

"i would really like that." felix replies gleefully.

"could i maybe have your number then?" changbin asks politely and felix nods.

"thank you sweetheart, definitely expect a text from me later." changbin says after they exchange numbers.

both of the boys get up to hug goodbye and felix kisses changbin's cheek quickly then scurries away. changbin can't help but chuckle at the blond's cute actions.

felix can't wait to tell his friends about what just happened to him. he still can't believe it.



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