Novas POV: " Jaden , I- Ill go" I say hesitating. " if you don't wanna it's okay , you know that right?" Jaden ask me. " yes of course I wanna go" smiling. " oh and I saw this really good Chinese place around the corner I heard it's really good" I say smiling. "Oh okay yeah! We can go there" Jaden says. "It's a date." I say . "It's a date" Jaden says comfirming.
After all that , they go to sleep. Tomorrow with sneaker con m. Javon left around 11am . Nova woke up at 10:30 ik super late but She needs beauty rest.
Novas POV: I woke up to Jayla on her phone fasing me. I was asleep and she's just been watching tiktok for a little. " good morning" I say cuddling up next to her and yawning . I watch tiktoks with her for a little. " so what are we gonna do today?" Jayla asks. " well me and Jaden have a date later soo" I say. " a date? woah woah woah since when we're y'all friends or wtv" Jayla says. " idek I guess he doesn't hate hate me now , but we're just going as friends ish" I say. " but I'm still considering it a date" jaden says out of no where. " y'all realize that I'm literally 3 feet from you I can clearing hear what your saying." Jaden says. " oh that's cool , anyways be careful though now since we're in a popular area dont wanna get trampled by fangirls." Jayla says.
For the rest of the day until 4pm , Jayla , Jess , Jaden , Nova and Daelo did a lot. First they went to eat , Second to an arcade and Third to the pool. Now Nova and Jaden are tired but are looking forward to this "date".
Novas POV: I start getting ready for the date an hour early lmao. I take a shower and put my Extensions on. Then I style my hair and do my makeup. Concealer, bronze, blush, mascara, eyeliner pencil, highlight in inner corner and nose and lastly brushed eyebrow gel. Then I change into
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This and decided to film and tiktok.
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I'll check on that later. I walk out of the bathroom. " I'm ready" I say slapping my arms to my sides. It was only Jaden and me in the room. Jess, Jayla and daelo are still swimming. Jaden just stares at me . " do you have a staring problem?" I ask as he always jokes like that to me. " no I just realized how beautiful you are" he says. I was expecting a insult. " that's cringe coming from you" I say as we are walking down the halls. " but its true" he says clicking the elevator buttons. We are walking to the Chinese place cause it's around the corner , javon and dj will pick us up. I don't know what the place is called tbh but I'm gonna look it up. "It's called (whatever Chinese place in la idk)" I said showing him a picture. " it looks fancy" he says. " I know" I say turning off my phone as we're walking I get a text from CJ.