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It's been 2 months later. School is starting up again . Sadly , summer went by so fast . Me and Jaden are talking. To be honest I like him. And I think he likes me? Anyways ,I'm not friends with cj or Carla anymore. Apparently Carla told Cj that I was talking bad behind his back when I wasn't? And he didn't believe me but his loss. So really I only have the Walton's as friends. I really cannot lose them. I told Jaden about Carla and Cj so he knows.

First day of school , August 27th.

I wake up. It's 5am. Gotta get back into the routine. 😫😫😫. I'll survive. I get up.. and fall back asleep for 10 more minutes. I mean it's not like I'm gonna be late or anything I got a solid 50 minutes. I get up and take a shower. Then I change into a recently bought outfit.

Then I brush my hair

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Then I brush my hair. I curl the ends and then start on my makeup. I still have the same makeup routine. Same ol same ol. Then I put of deodorant and perfume and head downstairs to eat. I see my dad awake cooking up some pancakes. " hey kiddo I see your awake" my dad says. " yep good morning" I say as I check my Apple Watch and it's 5:40 am. " eat up" my dad as placing pancakes in front of me. And that's what I do. After I eat , I head upstairs to brush my teeth. I grab my backpack and shorty after head to school.

At the school.

I meet up with jaden and Javon when I get to school. Cause I literally have no other friends .. " hey guys!" I say as I walk up to them at the front of the school. " oh hey, there you are" jaden says hugging me. I hug him back. " soo what about me?" Javon says leaning on for a hug. I roll my eyes jokingly and hug Javon. We just spend time talking a bit as school is starting in a few. I make it to my first class.

Time skip to lunch.

As I look around the cafeteria I luckily find a place to eat. As this girl is sitting alone. I walk up to the table and sit down and eat. It's quiet for a couple minutes until I speak up. " hi I'm nova , what's your name?" I say. " Sierra." The girl says lifting her head to look at me. " that's a cool name." I say smiling. " I'm named after my dead grandma who had an affair." She says straight forward. ( IM SORRY 💀 THATS JUST HOW I MEET ONE OF MY FRIENDS AND I FELT LIKR I NEEDED TO AFD THAT).

" oh" I say slowly chewing my food. " yeah anyways if your gonna ask to be my friend, I say yes" the girl says tucking a piece of her red hair behind her ears. " well then I guess we are friends now." I say smiling. " i guess so?" The girl says smiling back. " have you watched stranger things?" Sierra asks me. " is that even a question? Yes I've watched stranger things." I say as I realize we have something in common. " that's cool" she says smiling to herself. I've made a friend. A good one I hope. Cj and Carla could neva. Anyways enough of them. We finished lunch and talk frequently throughout the day. We realized we had a couple of classes together. I thought that was pretty neat. I decided to introduce Sierra to Jaden and Javon. " Sierra this is Jaden my bestfriend, and This is Javon my other friend." I say introducing them. " I know who they are, hi I'm Sierra." She says waving. They wave back. " well I'll see you guys, my rides here." I say waving as I start to walk away. Jaden runs towards me. " no goodbye hug?" He says hugging me. " bye" I say smiling. " bye" he says ruffling my hair.

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