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'Ding dong' I run up to the Walton's front door. And open it to be greeted by my bestfriend. " Alexis!!" I say she hugs me tightly. " ohhh I've missed you." She says. " Well come in." I say , as we walk to the stairs. " So everybody is upstairs." I say , I open up Jaylas bedroom door.

"Guys for the people who don't know this is Alexis." I say. " I'm pretty sure everyone knows her though." I say. I grab Alexis stuff and take it to Jaylas closet for her.

"So, now what?" Javon asks. I walk over to Jaden , and sit by him. I guess we're talking or dating or I don't know. All I know is I'm happy where I am in life right now. I think atleast.

"Should we watch a movie?" Kylee suggests. That idea doesn't sound bad actually. " I would like that." Alexis says. " We just recently got a bunch of snacks aswell." Jayla says. "I know , I've had some already." I smirk. "Welp what movie? Scary or-" Javon says before getting cut off by his twin. " Scary movie definitely." Jaden says. " No , no scary movies." Alexis says. "But why?" Jaden asks. " Cause I'm not a fan" Alexis shrugs. " I like horror movies , but I don't know if we should watch one." Kylee says. " Agreed." Me and Jayla say.

Suddenly I get a sudden wave of coldness and shivers get sent through my body. I didn't realize it was like close. I'm wearing a short sleeves and everyone has long sleeve or a hoodie on. " Jaden do you have a hoodie I could borrow?" I ask quietly into his ear. "Yeah." He mumbles. "In my closet." He adds.

I nod and get up. " I'll be right back while y'all decide." I say. I get up and walk to jadens room. My phone has been blowing up all day for some reason today. But I'm with my friends so I'm not gonna check. I'm just gonna focus on them and hanging out. Cause I don t know when was the lady time I've been here. Or had a sleepover here. Or hung out as a whole. I've missed the Walton's. So I'm going to enjoy this break while it lasts , duh I mean who wouldn't to be honest.

I grab a sports hoodie and put it on. It's a bit oversized but not that much. And then I head back to Jaylas room. "Figured out a movie yet?" I ask.

✔︎𝐄𝐍𝐄𝐌𝐘| 𝑗𝑎𝑑𝑒𝑛 𝑤𝑎𝑙𝑡𝑜𝑛  Where stories live. Discover now