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Monday, 3:13 pm

It was time for school girls soccer tryouts. This is my first time trying out for my school so I'm pretty nervous.
I've had a rough weekend so if I had a rough tryout that would sum it all up. I was warming up.

As I was warming up a spotted a familiar face. It was the girl from the party and her friend. Yesha and faith. She better not try anything

I turn around hoping to avoid them, but of course nothing goes in my favor. "Aye, you!" Yesha called as I flipped my head.

"I have a name." I said as I raised my eyebrows. "I know, but I don't really care for it." She spoke. I'm getting sick of this girl by the minute. Tryouts began.
"Everyone pick a partner!" Coach McCall called.

"Yesha, be my partner." I said. She looked my with a nod of her head. We stood next to eachother but I did back away some. Try outs began and we had the right side of the field.

*An hour later.*

"You got your ass whopped." I told yesha as I stifle a laugh.
I was totally kicking her ass in try outs, I have a higher chance to make the team than her. "And I'll whoop your ass." She spoke as she rolled her eyes. "I'm sure you will." I mocked her. Gosh it must be so embarrassing to be her. She's so pretty but she's throwing it all away from an ugly personality.

"Yesha, you're not gonna whoop ass. Move along." I flip my head to another girl standing beside me. "Victoria hush this has nothing to do with you." Faith said.
"It has nothing to do with you either faith." I said as I slapped my hand on my forehead. "So loud and so wrong." Victoria said which made me laugh.

"Okay Yesha, find me when you wanna talk this through like a young adult. Cause I have a boyfriend, I don't want your 'man'.." I said as I then flipped around as I had my bag on my shoulder. "Wait up!" The girl called, I waited for her.
"Hey I'm Victoria, Vicky." The girl said.

"I know who you are, I've seen you around," I nodded as I chugged my water. "Oh okay, i just wanted to say that you're really good."

"Thank you so much Vicky." I said as I brought her into a side hug. She waved off as I then walked to car with a smirk on my face.


Sorry I haven't been posting

This is more of a filler chap <3

I'm gonna start wrapping this book up and post more often

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