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The day after the last day of school. It's a bit sad. Novas not gonna see her bestfriend CJ all summer since he's gonna be at his grandparents. Nova had her best friend Carla but that's it. Well or the Walton's. But her and Jaden are enemy's anyways , there always forced to be friends.

Novas POV: I wake up after sleeping in. It's 10 am. No school yayy. But it's sad . It's going to be one boring summer except Carla but it's not like I'm gonna see her everyday. She's busy most of the time anyways. I get up out of bed starving so I go downstairs to grab something to eat. I make a smoothie and some avocado toast. My head still kinda hurts from the football incident. Man I'm a really athletic person. I grab my food and sit at the island. Damn is everyone sleeping or already out doing fun stuff without me. I eat and go back upstairs and do some chores. I clean my room and bathroom and clean out the cats litter box. By now it's around 2 pm. I should probably get ready. I go to my bathroom and take a shower since I feel gross. I wear this

It's like a dress but the end is shorts

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It's like a dress but the end is shorts. Imagine it has short sleeves. Then I do my hair and makeup . For hair I just style my curtain bangs . And for makeup I usually do dark eyeliner but instead I'll do light makeup today . I wear concealer, bronze , blush , brown eye shadow as eyeliner, highlighter on nose and inner Conner and red lip balm. I decide I wanna go to the mall with CJ before he leaves to his grandparents do I text him and he agrees to go. I grab my bag and keys and as soon as I leave me sister comes down . " where are you going?" she says. " too the mall make sure to tell mom" I say. " but-" she says. " byee" I cut her off. I drive to the mall and meet CJ there. " hii over here" I say waving to me. I run up to him and hug him. We go shopping for hours and hours. My pockets hurt 💀💀. Spent like 6 hundred dollars on clothes. Welp there goes all my money. When it's time to go I hug him goodbye and get in my car. I get a text from my mom.

mom - the Walton's are coming over for dinner is your room clean?

- whyy didn't we go over a month ago and yes

mom- hey be nice your going to be hanging out with them a lot this summer

- bruh

mom - you and Jaden are going to have to get along

- yes ma'am

Ugh. Bro this is gonna be the worst dinner ever I'm only excited to see Javon, Jayla , Jess , Dj and daelo. I go home. And my parents are preparing dinner. "hi kiddo how was the mall" my dad says. " good" I say going up the stairs. I drop my bag my keys stuff like that and kick off my shoes leaving my socks. And as soon as I get comfy the door bell rings. " Nova get that" my mom yells. Ughhh. I go downstairs and get the door. " hii" I say hugging Jess. " come in" I say stepping out of the way. Jaden sees me and rolls his eyes. BRUH HE ALREADY HAS AN ATTITUDE IT HASNT EVEN BEEN A MINUTE. " we brought some stuff" Dj says placing the food on the island. " we are just gonna finish making dinner" my mom says. " you kids go play" Dj says. We go downstairs in the basement and I sit at my couch. " so how you been" Javon asks me. " good wbu" I ask. "Good" Javon says. Jaden sits there on his phone at the bar table. " so what y'all wanna do" I askz " shut up" Jaden says still looking at his phone. " I wasn't asking you now mind your business and continue texting those hoes of yours" I snap back. " oh you think your so funny" Jaden says still on his phone. " cause I am? you mad" I say. " ima slap the shit out of you" jaden says. " bro it hasn't even been 30 minutes I already have a headache" jayla says. " jaden needs to cut the attitude" I say annoyed as fuck. " fr Jaden why you always got a problem with her" Javon says. " be quiet Javon no one was talking to you, you don't gonna stick up for your little crush" jaden says. " Jaden I'm this close from whooping your ass" I say. " dinners ready" Jessica yells. We go upstairs.
auntie tess = novas mom. Uncle Ryan = novas dad
Jadens POV: ugh I'm so tired of her bs. We go upstairs. " Okay so Javon sit there , then Jayla, then Nova , then Jaden" Jessica says. Yk what I'm just not gonna complain anyways auntie Tess scares me. I sit next to nova. I lowkey feel bad but I'm obviously not gonna say that. She does look pretty today. " so we heard y'all love birds arguing again" uncle Ryan says. " we're not love birds" nova says quick to snap back. " yeah" I say. " alright it's just usually the person who your most mean with is your crush" uncle Ryan says.


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